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Being able to come home with our baby was great. We were so excited to have her home. We had a lot of help those first few days though, dinners were brought in and my mom came while Dave had to go to work to help me.We brought her home on a Saturday and by Sunday evening, she still hadn't had a bowel movement in the time we'd been home. While at the hospital, they told us that was something that was a problem so we called the pediatrician. We were told to make an appointment the next morning and bring her in so they could check her out and make sure everything was ok.So the next morning I called the pediatrician's office and they said she didn't need to come in if she passed her billiruben at the hospital. I disagreed and made them give me an appointment. So we went in and when we got there and they weighed Savannah, she had lost 13 ozs of her body weight, weighing in at an even 7 lbs. While it's completely normal for a newborn to lose some of their body weight, Savannah had lost too much and the pediatrician was concerned about it, so she advised me to go see a lactation consultant.We made an appointment to go see the lactation consultant and she definitely helped us get Savannah to start eating. It helped a lot to be able to know she was eating and we started adjusting even more.The next visit with her pediatrician was at 2 weeks old. This visit was very reassuring for me, Savannah had gained weight and was sitting at 8 lbs even.We've done a lot of fun things with Savannah since then, and just being with her is super fun.She's just older than two months now and she's started smiling and playing with toys and watching her has become so much more fun. She's sleeping really well, almost through the night from around 11 until about 4:30.We're definitely starting to get things into a routine and it's really nice. It's also nice that I'm not going to have to go back to work, I just have school and I get to spend the rest of my time with her and Dave. I love being a mommy and I wouldn't trade it for the world.At this point, we've taken her for her two month visit, and she's not sitting at 12 lbs 3 ozs and 22 1/2 inches long. She's doing great! And the pediatrician says she's advanced for her age. She's holding her head up really well, smiling and she grabs onto things watches Dave and I when we walk across the room and she responds to our voice. It's amazing watching our little baby grow.So, that's not everything that's happened, but it's what I'm posting now.And for your viewing pleasure, pictures.
Savannah's first day home from the hospital
Savannah - One month
Savannah getting a bath, she's not sure if she likes it.
Savannah and I at Gardner Village checking out the witches
When she's really hungry anything works, even Daddy's nose pacifies her!
And a video of her playing with her toys
Ok, so Mom and Baby, finally...
After Savannah was delivered, and we fed her for the first time and she met grandparents and her uncle Daniel, we were taken to our room in Mom and Baby. We got to our room at about 2 in the morning. By the time we got there, Dave and I were exhausted, it had been a very long day. Because I had been induced due to high blood pressure, the nurses hooked me up to a blood pressure monitor and set it up to take my blood pressure through the night. After I was hooked up to the machine, they gave Savannah her first bath. She hated it, and she screamed nearly the whole time. The only thing she liked was when they washed her back with the sponge.
We finally were able to go to sleep at about 2:30. The sleep was greatly appreciated and needed, but made a bit more difficult by the blood pressure cuff measuring my blood pressure every half hour. Savannah slept really well, only waking up and fussing a tiny bit once, but when I rocked her crib a little she went right back to sleep.
At 6:00, an alarm woke me up. The blood pressure machine's battery was dying and it was beeping to let everyone know. I called the nurse and she came in and turned it off then checked on both me and the baby. We were both doing fine.
Around 11, we had our first visitors of the day, but definitely not the last. We had visitors in and out all day. Savannah met a ton of great people in her first day of life. I think we had a small break for about an hour with no visitors, but there were definitely people showing up to let Savannah know she was loved and welcome her into the world!
After the visitors, Dave and I both went to sleep. We crashed and I don't remember much about that night at all. The next morning we had a few visitors, but we had a lot more time to ourselves to get to know our baby and adjust to her. At about 3 that day, we left to come home. And that was fantastic!