Day 25 - What do you want your future to be like?
Ideally, I would like my future to hold more children, and less schooling for me and Dave. I would like us to have more time together as a family and less time that is consumed by homework and classes. I would like my children to grow strong in their testimonies of the gospel, and I would like to grow stronger in my testimony of the gospel.
I would like my future to be debt free! Included in this is not having to worry about finances and where our money was coming from. I would like to live in a wonderful home (that is not this condo), and in a great neighborhood. I would like my closest friends to move to the same neighborhood as me. (Are you listening gnomies?!)
Someday, I would like to go on a couples mission with Dave.
This is all I can think of right now that I feel like sharing...
Monday, March 26, 2012
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Day 24 - Hypothetical...
So, the prompt for today is something you wonder "what if.." about. There are so many things.
I have spent probably half an hour typing up "what if" questions and then deciding they are kind of morose and more depressing than I really want this post to be...
So, for some lighthearted fun, what if the earth were made of entirely delicious edible things? You know, like that room in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory where they can eat the grass, and the flowers and the dishes and everything...
I have spent probably half an hour typing up "what if" questions and then deciding they are kind of morose and more depressing than I really want this post to be...
So, for some lighthearted fun, what if the earth were made of entirely delicious edible things? You know, like that room in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory where they can eat the grass, and the flowers and the dishes and everything...
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Day 23 - Longing...
Prompt for day 23 - Something you miss.
I miss being pregnant... I don't remember being especially grateful for the experience of being pregnant the first time I was... I wish I could go back and change that. Of course there are downsides to being pregnant (no one likes to puke...), but I wish I could go back and make it so that every day I was grateful for that life growing inside of me. I think the second and third pregnancies I was more grateful, but I wonder still if that was even enough then. I want to be pregnant more than just about anything right now. I don't feel like my family is complete... So there it is, I miss being pregnant.
I skipped yesterday on purpose, but right now I think I'll put a blip about it, since I am already kind of leading in to it.
Yesterday's prompt was "Your opinion about your body and how comfortable you are with it". This prompt is deeply personal for me, and I'm not going to share all of my thoughts and feelings about my body, but I will say this.
I wish that doctor's knew why my body is rejecting pregnancies. I wish I knew if it was a defect with the baby, or if it was something wrong with me. I wish I knew if there were something I could do to prevent me from having another one. I know two miscarriages doesn't seem like very many from the outside looking in, and I remember feeling like that. I remember thinking that it isn't that hard to have a miscarriage, but until you've been there, try not to think that. It's one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life. And I've had to do it twice...
I'm deeply dissatisfied in that regard to my body. I don't even know that it is my body that is the problem, but there are things that I see in my body that don't reflect the healthiest of lifestyles, and that will always make me wonder. There are things I should be doing that I am not currently doing, and that will always be a curiosity for me as well.
So there you have it. Some thoughts about my body and what I feel about it...
I miss being pregnant... I don't remember being especially grateful for the experience of being pregnant the first time I was... I wish I could go back and change that. Of course there are downsides to being pregnant (no one likes to puke...), but I wish I could go back and make it so that every day I was grateful for that life growing inside of me. I think the second and third pregnancies I was more grateful, but I wonder still if that was even enough then. I want to be pregnant more than just about anything right now. I don't feel like my family is complete... So there it is, I miss being pregnant.
I skipped yesterday on purpose, but right now I think I'll put a blip about it, since I am already kind of leading in to it.
Yesterday's prompt was "Your opinion about your body and how comfortable you are with it". This prompt is deeply personal for me, and I'm not going to share all of my thoughts and feelings about my body, but I will say this.
I wish that doctor's knew why my body is rejecting pregnancies. I wish I knew if it was a defect with the baby, or if it was something wrong with me. I wish I knew if there were something I could do to prevent me from having another one. I know two miscarriages doesn't seem like very many from the outside looking in, and I remember feeling like that. I remember thinking that it isn't that hard to have a miscarriage, but until you've been there, try not to think that. It's one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life. And I've had to do it twice...
I'm deeply dissatisfied in that regard to my body. I don't even know that it is my body that is the problem, but there are things that I see in my body that don't reflect the healthiest of lifestyles, and that will always make me wonder. There are things I should be doing that I am not currently doing, and that will always be a curiosity for me as well.
So there you have it. Some thoughts about my body and what I feel about it...
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Day 21 - These are a few of my favorite things...
Prompt for day 21 - 20 of your favorite things
- Dr. Pepper
- Double dates with best friends
- Single dates with the hubster
- Spring weather
- My kindle
- Colors, specifically pink, green and purple
- Bubble baths
- Crafting with friends (not alone)
- Books
- Good Deals
- Laundry detergent that smells fabulous
- Having a house to live in
- Cheetos with Cream Cheese
- Late night trips to Smith's with my gnomies that end up with cupcakes
- Cupcakes in general
- Swing sets
- Heartburn medicine
- Scentsy
- Ticket to Ride - pretty much a fabulous game
- A clean house (which with a 19 month old does not happen often. She is a weapon of MASS destruction.)
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Day 20 - Utterly Delicious
Prompt: Day 20 - Death Row Meal
Honestly, I hope that I never have this situation ever come to pass, and I'm going to do everything I can to make sure it doesn't. But, for the sake of this post, here goes.
If I were on death row, I would probably want some type of comfort food. I would want Dave to make brownies and ice cream for dessert, and I would probably want to have lasagna with green beans and garlic bread for the actual dinner part. And maybe throw in a green salad with some nice crisp cucumbers. Sounds delicious, right?
Honestly, I hope that I never have this situation ever come to pass, and I'm going to do everything I can to make sure it doesn't. But, for the sake of this post, here goes.
If I were on death row, I would probably want some type of comfort food. I would want Dave to make brownies and ice cream for dessert, and I would probably want to have lasagna with green beans and garlic bread for the actual dinner part. And maybe throw in a green salad with some nice crisp cucumbers. Sounds delicious, right?
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Day 19 - Wuv, Twue Wuv
Day 19 - 10 ways to win your heart
As a preface, most of these relate in some way to something that Dave does that make me feel particularly loved and make me love him equally in return. He's an amazing husband, and he deserves recognition for the things that he does.
As a preface, most of these relate in some way to something that Dave does that make me feel particularly loved and make me love him equally in return. He's an amazing husband, and he deserves recognition for the things that he does.
- Back scratches or back rubs. Dave knows this. Seriously, a back scratch or back rub is seriously one of the best things in the entire world. Especially when I've had a hard day, just to have either of those makes me quite happy. And Dave is just about the best back scratcher ever!
- Feet rubs. I hate touching other people's feet, so it makes it even more amazing when someone else is willing to rub mine. Dave is also particularly good at this, though he doesn't do it often because he doesn't like touching lotion.
- Telling me I'm beautiful, and meaning it. I love when Dave just looks at me and tells me that I'm beautiful. Some days, the days where I don't feel like getting out of my pajamas or even crawling out of bed, and I don't feel like I am even a teensy tiny bit cute, to have Dave just look at me with his eyes full of love and say that I am beautiful makes my heart tingle.
- Watching chick flicks with me and hugging me close when I start crying. Dave always seems to know the exact moment when I am going to start crying, and he just tells me that he loves that I am sensitive enough to cry during a movie.
- Being willing to share emotions with me. Being strong enough to cry and not be ashamed of it especially.
- Calling me just to hear my voice or to say he misses me and loves me. I love hearing Dave tell me he loves me.
- Making orange julius drinks at three in the morning simply because I want one.
- Making me brownies on demand (which is not as often as I think about brownies...)
- Taking care of me when I am sick. And this is part of that but is kind of dumb. It gives me warm fuzzies when I am not feeling well and Dave kisses my forehead. There is just something about a kiss on the forehead that makes me feel loved and secure, and Dave knows it, so he kisses my forehead when I am sick, and I appreciate it.
- Wanting to have a family with me. For a long time, I thought that Dave only wanted to have kids because he thought it would make me happy. When we first got pregnant with Savannah he was thrilled, and even more excited when we actually got to hold her and show her off. He is a doting daddy. Then when I got pregnant the second time, and I miscarried, to see the torment Dave felt, and seeing that he was just as upset about it as I was, that meant a lot to me. Then the third pregnancy, that hope that we felt just to have it crushed. It is a poignant memory of being told that I was going to miscarry. And yet, I still didn't realize that Dave really does want to have a family with me. A forever family. It took me telling him that I really wanted another baby and him specifically saying that he did too for me to know. And I never realized how much it would mean to me that Dave wanted me to be the mother of his children and that he wanted those children just as much as I did.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Day 18 - Words to Live By
Day 18 prompt - A quote you love
I've been thinking about this all day. There's one that I just read in a book that I really loved and I wanted to pull up the book and type it out, but I loaned out the book Saturday not realizing that I would want it today for the quote, so I don't have the exact quote and I don't want to screw it up by putting it wrong on here, so I'll have to look that one up later.
There is one I have hanging on my fridge that my friend gave me and I look at it and take notice of it a lot. So that's the one I'm going to put on here.
I've been thinking about this all day. There's one that I just read in a book that I really loved and I wanted to pull up the book and type it out, but I loaned out the book Saturday not realizing that I would want it today for the quote, so I don't have the exact quote and I don't want to screw it up by putting it wrong on here, so I'll have to look that one up later.
There is one I have hanging on my fridge that my friend gave me and I look at it and take notice of it a lot. So that's the one I'm going to put on here.
Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live it's whole life believing that it is stupid. Albert Einstein
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Day 17 - Parental Units
Prompt for day 17 - Talk about your parents
My mom is amazing. I love her to pieces. Her name is Susan. Her blog can be found here. She doesn't post very often, but I love to read and see it when she does. She is currently serving as the 1st counselor in their ward Relief Society. She inspires me and makes me want to be a better person. She is and always has been a great role model for me. My life would not be what it is today if it weren't for her.
My dad is also pretty great. We have not always gotten along. I can remember many nights in high school where I stormed to my room screaming at him that I hated him. I feel insanely bad about this now, because I have never actually hated my dad, nor will I ever. His name is John. He is a jack-of-all-trades. He was just put in as the Elder's Quorum president in their ward. I know I can count on him for anything.
I also am very lucky to have an amazing set of in laws. My mother and father in law are great, seriously. My father in law is wonderful. I remember after my first miscarriage, when I went in for the second ultrasound and I heard the ultrasound tech say "I'm sorry, there's no baby there...", I tried so hard to be strong and brave. I saw my father in law and the compassion and concern in his eyes crumpled my resolve and I sobbed in his arms. I don't know how long I cried, but he just let me. He never made a single move to try and let go. And he gives some pretty good hugs. The ones where you feel like you mean the world to someone. I truly appreciate him being a part of my life.
My mother in law is also great. She is one of those women who has met and faced many adversities and trials in her life. Watching her go through life inspires me. I want to be as strong as she is when I am faced with trials.
All in all, I am a very lucky girl to be blessed with the wonderful parents and in laws that I have. Truly.
My mom is amazing. I love her to pieces. Her name is Susan. Her blog can be found here. She doesn't post very often, but I love to read and see it when she does. She is currently serving as the 1st counselor in their ward Relief Society. She inspires me and makes me want to be a better person. She is and always has been a great role model for me. My life would not be what it is today if it weren't for her.
My dad is also pretty great. We have not always gotten along. I can remember many nights in high school where I stormed to my room screaming at him that I hated him. I feel insanely bad about this now, because I have never actually hated my dad, nor will I ever. His name is John. He is a jack-of-all-trades. He was just put in as the Elder's Quorum president in their ward. I know I can count on him for anything.
I also am very lucky to have an amazing set of in laws. My mother and father in law are great, seriously. My father in law is wonderful. I remember after my first miscarriage, when I went in for the second ultrasound and I heard the ultrasound tech say "I'm sorry, there's no baby there...", I tried so hard to be strong and brave. I saw my father in law and the compassion and concern in his eyes crumpled my resolve and I sobbed in his arms. I don't know how long I cried, but he just let me. He never made a single move to try and let go. And he gives some pretty good hugs. The ones where you feel like you mean the world to someone. I truly appreciate him being a part of my life.
My mother in law is also great. She is one of those women who has met and faced many adversities and trials in her life. Watching her go through life inspires me. I want to be as strong as she is when I am faced with trials.
All in all, I am a very lucky girl to be blessed with the wonderful parents and in laws that I have. Truly.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Day 16 - Schnookums (not...)
Prompt for day 16 - Nicknames
I have a lot of nicknames, we'll start with the obvious ones; Steph, Stephie, Stepherz, Stepherninny, Step on Me (which I hate, if you use it I will threaten your life...)
Now for some not so obvious ones; Fluff-n-Stuff (don't ask, I don't remember, also previous threat applies), quacklynne, Dave has called me Love since we started dating, hootenanny, Sally-Skint-Nose, my grandfather calls me his long, tall drink of water (i.e., "How are you my long tall drink of water?" while hugging me hello), Daffy...
And, this one might be a tad bit awkward, so I'll explain the back story. One time, Dave and I, and a group of friends decided that we were going to drive to St. George to pick up some repossessed cars for the credit union Dave was working for. So we were all driving down there, listening to some music and just having a super fun time. Then the song Should have Been a Cowboy by Toby Keith came on. I have sung this song wrong for YEARS, literally... I have since been corrected but usually revert to the wrong way. Anyway, the correct lyrics go "Wearing my six shooter, riding my pony on a cattle drive", and I have always sung it "Wearing my sex shoes, riding my pony on a cattle drive"... I don't know why, but for some reason that is what I always sang. What are sex shoes? Who knows...
So, the song came on, and I started singing, and as usual reverted to the incorrect lyrics. Commence teasing. Then we got there and we had walkie talkies to communicate between the four vehicles. We were deciding that we were going to call each other nicknames on the radios. Dave became Schnookums, I was sex shooter (combination of the wrong and right lyrics...), Megan was pig pen, and Chad was Preemie. We now always use these nicknames when we get together, especially when we go bowling. I have gotten very accustomed to hearing "You're up, Sex Shooter"... Also, Dave hates schnookums, so unless you want to die, don't use it, unless you are Megan or Chad.
These are all the nicknames I can think of right now...
I have a lot of nicknames, we'll start with the obvious ones; Steph, Stephie, Stepherz, Stepherninny, Step on Me (which I hate, if you use it I will threaten your life...)
Now for some not so obvious ones; Fluff-n-Stuff (don't ask, I don't remember, also previous threat applies), quacklynne, Dave has called me Love since we started dating, hootenanny, Sally-Skint-Nose, my grandfather calls me his long, tall drink of water (i.e., "How are you my long tall drink of water?" while hugging me hello), Daffy...
And, this one might be a tad bit awkward, so I'll explain the back story. One time, Dave and I, and a group of friends decided that we were going to drive to St. George to pick up some repossessed cars for the credit union Dave was working for. So we were all driving down there, listening to some music and just having a super fun time. Then the song Should have Been a Cowboy by Toby Keith came on. I have sung this song wrong for YEARS, literally... I have since been corrected but usually revert to the wrong way. Anyway, the correct lyrics go "Wearing my six shooter, riding my pony on a cattle drive", and I have always sung it "Wearing my sex shoes, riding my pony on a cattle drive"... I don't know why, but for some reason that is what I always sang. What are sex shoes? Who knows...
So, the song came on, and I started singing, and as usual reverted to the incorrect lyrics. Commence teasing. Then we got there and we had walkie talkies to communicate between the four vehicles. We were deciding that we were going to call each other nicknames on the radios. Dave became Schnookums, I was sex shooter (combination of the wrong and right lyrics...), Megan was pig pen, and Chad was Preemie. We now always use these nicknames when we get together, especially when we go bowling. I have gotten very accustomed to hearing "You're up, Sex Shooter"... Also, Dave hates schnookums, so unless you want to die, don't use it, unless you are Megan or Chad.
These are all the nicknames I can think of right now...
Day 15 - Unproductive
Day 15 was supposed to be yesterday. I went to bed instead of blogging, and it is one of the best decisions I have made recently, but yesterday's prompt was Bullet your whole day, so here is how yesterday went down.
- 12:00 AM - 3:00 AM: Watch the SWAT team descend on the condos trying to snag a crazy guy who shot his cousin in the face with a shot gun. Watch as stupid 11 year old goes down into the craziness and his mother encourages him. Seriously? What kind of stupid do you have to be to send your kid down when the SWAT team is here?! (Also, un-delete facebook account so I can see the neighborhood gossip about the crazy...)
- 3:00 AM - 4:30 AM: Finish movie that Char and I started before the SWAT team arrived. (Delete facebook again)
- 4:30 AM - 5:00 AM: Read book in bed
- 5:00 AM - 9:15 AM: Sleep, blissful sleep...
- 9:15 AM - 12:00 PM: Hang out with Char, entertain the small child.
- 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM: Put Savannah down for her nap, played Ticket to Ride with Dave
- 1:30 PM - 1:45 PM: Realize that I need milk for cub scouts, so run to Smith's to get said Milk.
- 1:45 PM - 2:30 PM: Talk with Terra about the psycho who lives beneath her (aforementioned crazy guy)
- 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM: Cub Scouts that should have been happening since 2:00...
- 3:00 PM - 7:30 PM: Play with Savannah mostly, she hated the bath part though... Also, hung out with Dave
- 7:30 PM - 8:00 PM: Help get Savannah ready for bed, have dinner (late!) and watched TV
- 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM: Wind down, watched Cars 2 for the first time with Dave.
- 10:00 PM - 10:30 PM: Read and finish the book I was reading on my Kindle
- 10:30 PM - 7:30 AM Saturday: Sleep, blissful sleep
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Day 14 - Slumber Party!!!!
So, what I wear to bed really varies based on the season.
Tonight I am going to wear fleece pajama pants and the same shirt I'm wearing right now. I love fleece pajama pants, even though it is ridiculously hot, especially in the summer. But I got this pair for Christmas and I love them. Seriously.
Tonight is different than normal though, because I am having a sleep over. So I have to wear pajamas that are appropriate to wear with my company.
As to what I usually wear to bed, I'll leave that to your imagination. ;-)
Also, this blog post has inspired the best conversation I have ever had. Nathan disagrees.
Tonight I am going to wear fleece pajama pants and the same shirt I'm wearing right now. I love fleece pajama pants, even though it is ridiculously hot, especially in the summer. But I got this pair for Christmas and I love them. Seriously.
Tonight is different than normal though, because I am having a sleep over. So I have to wear pajamas that are appropriate to wear with my company.
As to what I usually wear to bed, I'll leave that to your imagination. ;-)
Also, this blog post has inspired the best conversation I have ever had. Nathan disagrees.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Day 13 - Major Happenings
Prompt for day 13 - What are the 10 most significant events in your life?
- Getting married to Dave
- Getting pregnant with and subsequently having Savannah
- I'm only counting this as one, though technically it could be two, but both of my miscarriages are pretty significant to me.
- Getting baptized
- Going through the temple for the first time
- Buying our condo
- Choosing to go to the Academy of Hospitality and Tourism at Taylorsville, which is where I ultimately met Dave. (The first time I met him in person was in the parking lot during lunch. I was eating McDonald's...)
- Obtaining an Associate's Degree, then pursuing a Bachelor's degree, then deciding to actually just go back for another Associate's Degree...
- Being born
- Getting my driver's license.
Also, on a totally unrelated note, but especially important to me right now, I made Orange Chicken tonight, and in my opinion, it is just as good as Panda Express.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Day 12 - Music
Prompt for day 12 - Put your iPod on shuffle and list the first 10 songs.
Here goes...
Here goes...
- Love Without End, Amen - George Strait
- Do You Wanna Make Something of It - Jo Dee Messina
- I'd Do Anything - Simple Plan
- So Small - Carrie Underwood
- Dark as a Dungeon - Dolly Parton
- People are Crazy - Billy Currington
- Poor Fool/He Makes me Laugh - The Phantom of the Opera Soundtrack
- She's in Love with the Boy - Trisha Yearwood
- My Oh My - Aqua
- Walk to the Light - Jo Dee Messina
Day 11 - Shopping
I forgot to post this yesterday, so it's a day late and probably a dollar short, but here goes.
The prompt for day 11 is Your favorite store
This one was relatively easy for me. Automatically when I think of my favorite store I think of Smith's. Not just any Smith's though, my favorite one is the one on 56th West and 41st South. Seriously, I love going there, and I love getting a good deal there.
Also, I love that by shopping at Smith's I save money on my gas. Love it. Truly love it.
And that is the lameness that is me, that my favorite store is a grocery store...
The prompt for day 11 is Your favorite store
This one was relatively easy for me. Automatically when I think of my favorite store I think of Smith's. Not just any Smith's though, my favorite one is the one on 56th West and 41st South. Seriously, I love going there, and I love getting a good deal there.
Also, I love that by shopping at Smith's I save money on my gas. Love it. Truly love it.
And that is the lameness that is me, that my favorite store is a grocery store...
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Day 10 - Switched!
Prompt: Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
This one was really hard for me, because most days I am truly satisfied and happy with my life. I don't really sit around and wonder what it would be like to be living in another person's shoes. I think part of this is because I realize that other people have just as many, if not more, problems as I do, and just because I don't see them doesn't mean they aren't happening. I think this is also why I try my very hardest to be nice to everyone...
Anyway, after thinking about it since yesterday, I finally decided that I would like to switch places with more a type of person, than any one particular person, but for the purpose of this blog, I'm going to name one specific person.
In case you've been living under a rock, and you don't know who this is, this is Carrie Underwood. I think she is beautiful! I also think she has an amazing voice, and I am somewhat jealous. For just one day, I would like to know what it is like to have that kind of talent, and to be able to reach that kind of audience.
Also, some days I would like to trade places with Dave... what girl hasn't wondered what it would be like to be a guy?
As I said though, most days I am truly content in my own life, even through all the crappy times...
This one was really hard for me, because most days I am truly satisfied and happy with my life. I don't really sit around and wonder what it would be like to be living in another person's shoes. I think part of this is because I realize that other people have just as many, if not more, problems as I do, and just because I don't see them doesn't mean they aren't happening. I think this is also why I try my very hardest to be nice to everyone...
Anyway, after thinking about it since yesterday, I finally decided that I would like to switch places with more a type of person, than any one particular person, but for the purpose of this blog, I'm going to name one specific person.
In case you've been living under a rock, and you don't know who this is, this is Carrie Underwood. I think she is beautiful! I also think she has an amazing voice, and I am somewhat jealous. For just one day, I would like to know what it is like to have that kind of talent, and to be able to reach that kind of audience.
Also, some days I would like to trade places with Dave... what girl hasn't wondered what it would be like to be a guy?
As I said though, most days I am truly content in my own life, even through all the crappy times...
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Day 9 - Emotional
Day 9 - A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
There are actually quite a few of them. There is a song by John Michael Montgomery, The Little Girl, and it almost always makes me cry. It's a very touching song. I think one of the things that makes it so much more emotional for me is that I know other people who it makes cry. Most specifically, my uncle. He's a tough dude. He is a Cowboy in every sense of the word, and I can remember it coming on the radio one day while we were driving back to his house so I could have a sleepover with my cousin. He was in tears, he had to keep wiping his cheeks so he could drive, and when it was over he looked at me and told me that it was the same way every time he heard the song. I can remember vividly seeing my uncle in tears every time I hear that song, and it pulls at my heart strings. Plus, the song is one of those that pulls at you anyway.
So, I found a version of it on youtube, the video isn't really important, but if you want to, you can listen to the song.
There are other songs as well that makes me cry, Skin (Sarah Beth) by Rascal Flatts, Streets of Heaven by Sherrie Austin, but none of them that are quite so vivid in my memory.
Some church hymns also bring me to tears, ever since I sang with the Tab Choir in high school whenever I hear We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet I nearly always cry. Because it is associated with such a vivid memory and feeling of peace and love that I got while we were singing it in the Conference center and the entire congregation stood. It was an amazing thing. I needed the reminder of that today, I feel like lately I've been struggling with my testimony lately, so to remember those powerful feelings of confirmation and love that were given to me by the Spirit was a really good thing for me.
There are actually quite a few of them. There is a song by John Michael Montgomery, The Little Girl, and it almost always makes me cry. It's a very touching song. I think one of the things that makes it so much more emotional for me is that I know other people who it makes cry. Most specifically, my uncle. He's a tough dude. He is a Cowboy in every sense of the word, and I can remember it coming on the radio one day while we were driving back to his house so I could have a sleepover with my cousin. He was in tears, he had to keep wiping his cheeks so he could drive, and when it was over he looked at me and told me that it was the same way every time he heard the song. I can remember vividly seeing my uncle in tears every time I hear that song, and it pulls at my heart strings. Plus, the song is one of those that pulls at you anyway.
So, I found a version of it on youtube, the video isn't really important, but if you want to, you can listen to the song.
There are other songs as well that makes me cry, Skin (Sarah Beth) by Rascal Flatts, Streets of Heaven by Sherrie Austin, but none of them that are quite so vivid in my memory.
Some church hymns also bring me to tears, ever since I sang with the Tab Choir in high school whenever I hear We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet I nearly always cry. Because it is associated with such a vivid memory and feeling of peace and love that I got while we were singing it in the Conference center and the entire congregation stood. It was an amazing thing. I needed the reminder of that today, I feel like lately I've been struggling with my testimony lately, so to remember those powerful feelings of confirmation and love that were given to me by the Spirit was a really good thing for me.
Friday, March 09, 2012
Day 8 - Bother and Seesters
The prompt for day 8 - Talk about your siblings
So, I have 3 siblings, one brother and two sisters. They are pretty cool sometimes, but sometimes drive me crazy!
My older sister is Amanda. We are either the best of friends or the worst of enemies, there is no in between for us. She is 24, and is married. She recently got married and I was not invited... Rude. Though, neither was anyone else in our family, so I guess it's okay.
Then the rest of my siblings are younger than me.
My brother's name is Matthew. He is 17 and he's a pretty smart dude. He wants to be a chef. He is notorious for chewing with his mouth open (ARGH!)...
Then there is my little sister. Her name is Sharen. She is almost 16, and can be a huge brat, but I love her anyway. The last I heard she wants to be a nurse. Also, I like her friend Kat.
I don't really want to get hugely into each of my siblings on here, but that's the basic what you need to know about them. Or what you never really did actually need to know, but the prompt told me to. The end.
So, I have 3 siblings, one brother and two sisters. They are pretty cool sometimes, but sometimes drive me crazy!
My older sister is Amanda. We are either the best of friends or the worst of enemies, there is no in between for us. She is 24, and is married. She recently got married and I was not invited... Rude. Though, neither was anyone else in our family, so I guess it's okay.
Then the rest of my siblings are younger than me.
My brother's name is Matthew. He is 17 and he's a pretty smart dude. He wants to be a chef. He is notorious for chewing with his mouth open (ARGH!)...
Then there is my little sister. Her name is Sharen. She is almost 16, and can be a huge brat, but I love her anyway. The last I heard she wants to be a nurse. Also, I like her friend Kat.
I don't really want to get hugely into each of my siblings on here, but that's the basic what you need to know about them. Or what you never really did actually need to know, but the prompt told me to. The end.
Thursday, March 08, 2012
Day 7 - Sly Piggery
The prompt for day 7 is How you found out about Blogger and why you made a blog
When I was in high school, I had a friend named Amy who convinced me that I needed to join this online forum she was a part of called Sly Piggery. This forum was something that her friend Nathan had created. So I joined Sly Piggery, and I met a ton of cool people! (In fact, if you want to get down to the nitty gritty, I "met" Dave online at Sly Piggery!!) It seemed like all of these people had blogs, and that all of them were at blogger. So I decided I was going to try my hand at it, and I created this blog. Well, actually I created a different blog first, but I forgot what email address I used to create it, and to this day I still don't remember the email or password I used.
Originally when I started, I didn't know how long I was going to last, it was something I was doing because my friends were doing it, and I go in spurts, sometimes going very long periods between when I blog. But here it sits, 5 1/2 years later... Wow!
So, now you know.
When I was in high school, I had a friend named Amy who convinced me that I needed to join this online forum she was a part of called Sly Piggery. This forum was something that her friend Nathan had created. So I joined Sly Piggery, and I met a ton of cool people! (In fact, if you want to get down to the nitty gritty, I "met" Dave online at Sly Piggery!!) It seemed like all of these people had blogs, and that all of them were at blogger. So I decided I was going to try my hand at it, and I created this blog. Well, actually I created a different blog first, but I forgot what email address I used to create it, and to this day I still don't remember the email or password I used.
Originally when I started, I didn't know how long I was going to last, it was something I was doing because my friends were doing it, and I go in spurts, sometimes going very long periods between when I blog. But here it sits, 5 1/2 years later... Wow!
So, now you know.
Wednesday, March 07, 2012
Day 6 - I am hilarious!
So the prompt for day 6 is What is an inside joke you share with someone?
This was surprisingly difficult for me. I thought that I had millions of inside jokes with other people, but apparently when I tried to think of them I had a brain fart... So I sent out a mass text message to a bunch of people and used their replies to remember what inside jokes we have. This made me feel very lame.
So, I have this group of friends. We call ourselves the gnomies. Because we are permanent fixtures on the lawn. Like a lawn gnome. I suppose that in and of itself could be construed as an inside joke, but that's not the hilarious one I thought of, which will likely not be hilarious to any of you.
We used to include this girl named Katie. Katie was a little insane, but we loved her anyway. Until she went psychotic. She decided that none of us could be her friends anymore because we were saying things behind her back or something to that effect. None of the rest of us really know what actually happened or why she doesn't talk to any of us anymore, but suffice it to say, for some reason she apparently hates us all. This led to her deleting all of us on facebook.
Now, my friends and I sit outside at ALL hours of the night. (For example, we were still outside at 3 in the morning the morning I went to the doctor and was induced into labor when I had Savannah...) And some nights, we get a little crazy. We make stupid jokes and laugh like it is the funniest thing in the whole world. One such night, we were talking about Katie deleting us and it evolved and evolved until it got to be that you could delete, backspace, fast forward, rewind, etc. all by making certain faces or moves on your body. To this day, we all still use the "deleted" move, and it is HILARIOUS each and every time we see it.
Also, I don't know that this one is so much of an inside joke, and just something that is hilarious. One night, like a decade ago, I was having a sleep over with one of my best friends, and we broke the bed together. To this day, I still am not sure what exactly happened. I know that one minute we were playing dummies laughing our heads off, and the next the bed was broken and we were still laughing our heads off.
This was surprisingly difficult for me. I thought that I had millions of inside jokes with other people, but apparently when I tried to think of them I had a brain fart... So I sent out a mass text message to a bunch of people and used their replies to remember what inside jokes we have. This made me feel very lame.
So, I have this group of friends. We call ourselves the gnomies. Because we are permanent fixtures on the lawn. Like a lawn gnome. I suppose that in and of itself could be construed as an inside joke, but that's not the hilarious one I thought of, which will likely not be hilarious to any of you.
We used to include this girl named Katie. Katie was a little insane, but we loved her anyway. Until she went psychotic. She decided that none of us could be her friends anymore because we were saying things behind her back or something to that effect. None of the rest of us really know what actually happened or why she doesn't talk to any of us anymore, but suffice it to say, for some reason she apparently hates us all. This led to her deleting all of us on facebook.
Now, my friends and I sit outside at ALL hours of the night. (For example, we were still outside at 3 in the morning the morning I went to the doctor and was induced into labor when I had Savannah...) And some nights, we get a little crazy. We make stupid jokes and laugh like it is the funniest thing in the whole world. One such night, we were talking about Katie deleting us and it evolved and evolved until it got to be that you could delete, backspace, fast forward, rewind, etc. all by making certain faces or moves on your body. To this day, we all still use the "deleted" move, and it is HILARIOUS each and every time we see it.
Also, I don't know that this one is so much of an inside joke, and just something that is hilarious. One night, like a decade ago, I was having a sleep over with one of my best friends, and we broke the bed together. To this day, I still am not sure what exactly happened. I know that one minute we were playing dummies laughing our heads off, and the next the bed was broken and we were still laughing our heads off.
Tuesday, March 06, 2012
Day 5 - Stuck
Day 5 - Something you can't seem to get over.
I already briefly mentioned this one, but I am still really irritated about when a person I know told me they didn't like the way I sounded when I sang. When I word it that way, it sounds really stupid to be upset about it still, but it wasn't just that simple, and it really hurt my feelings the way they said it. And I know I should just get over it, but sometimes that is much easier said than done. It's a work in progress, and some day I'll probably forget all about it.
Also, and this is just the proud Mommy in me coming out, but I can never get over how stinking cute Savannah is. Her personality is bubbly and sassy and I just love it. And I am never going to stop.
I already briefly mentioned this one, but I am still really irritated about when a person I know told me they didn't like the way I sounded when I sang. When I word it that way, it sounds really stupid to be upset about it still, but it wasn't just that simple, and it really hurt my feelings the way they said it. And I know I should just get over it, but sometimes that is much easier said than done. It's a work in progress, and some day I'll probably forget all about it.
Also, and this is just the proud Mommy in me coming out, but I can never get over how stinking cute Savannah is. Her personality is bubbly and sassy and I just love it. And I am never going to stop.
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Seriously?! How cute is she?? |
Monday, March 05, 2012
Day 4 - Bug-y
Day 4 - 5 things that bug you about the same sex/opposite sex
So, I'm going to take this one as just 5 things that bug me in general about other people. Things that drive me absolutely crazy.
So, I'm going to take this one as just 5 things that bug me in general about other people. Things that drive me absolutely crazy.
- I hate, with a fiery passion from the deepest depths of my soul, hearing people chew with their mouths open. Sometimes just hearing people chew even when their mouths are closed is pretty bad too. Especially when those foods are crunchy. Honestly, crunchy food in general just drives me crazy, but particularly if people are chewing with their mouths open. It makes me imagine ways to torture people...
- You know those people who always complain about every single tiny thing going on in their lives? I think everyone knows someone who is perpetually unhappy. This bugs me. I can understand having down days (Hello, I've had 2 miscarriages, I've been through some pretty dang down days...) and I understand being depressed. But I do not understand never ever finding any single thing in a day to be happy about. However, I have been told that I am too happy. A girl I went to high school with apparently hated me because I was happy, and that bugs me too.
- When I hear people complain about how broke they are, but then they go and buy something huge. I'm not talking about going out to dinner here or there, or buying a soda or chips every once in a while. I'm talking about the people who say they are so broke, but then go spend money to buy new furniture, or brand new kitchen appliances. Specifically I had a friend one time talking to me about how broke she was, and then she proceeded to go and buy a brand new couch. Now, I can understand sometimes you get new things for a pretty good deal, but she talked to me about how she paid for this couch from Ashley whatever whatever that store name is, and how she was bragging about how they only spent like $2000 on this couch. Uh... Hello, weren't you just complaining about how little money you had?
- I'm going to preface this one by saying that I am weird. Being that I am weird, I have this weird obsession with teeth and I think before I married Dave I really would have considered being a dental hygienist... That being said, it really bugs me when you are talking to people and you can tell that they haven't brushed their teeth in forever because you can literally see the plaque and gunk on their teeth. It grosses me out, and it bugs me. It especially bugs me when those people are working at a fast food place or at a restaurant that I'm eating at and they are serving or touching my food. Because I'm a little bit of a freak...
- It seriously bothers me when people add an 's' to the word anyway. The other day I was picking my sister up from school and she kept saying it, so I punched her every time she said it. This is how much it bothers me. Anyways is not a word. Also, I hate people who say "snuck", which also is not a word, and it sounds like something you should do to boogers... The proper term is sneaked. Don't believe me, look it up.
- I love birthday's. I love getting together with friends and family and having a super fun times celebrating people's lives. Also, I love cake... and most birthday's involve cake at one point or another.
- I love me a good book. Sometimes, especially when life is overwhelming, I love slipping away into another person's life, and forgetting about my troubles for a little while. I especially love that after I do get away into another person's life, that sometimes my problems seem much less important and I am able to focus on other things.
- I love the burst of energy I get when I take a short nap. Not the kind of nap you wake up feeling groggy and icky from, but the kind of nap where you wake up and you feel like you slept forever but really only slept for like 20 minutes and you have the energy to do everything that needs to get done.
- I love the feeling of having a clean house, even though typically in my life that only lasts for like half a day. Having an 18 month old is not really conducive to having a clean house.
- I love cleaning bathrooms. Seriously, short and sweet, cleaning bathrooms is easily my favorite room in the house because it will never ever take my longer than 20 minutes to feel like I've cleaned it to the best of my abilities. Also, it helps that bathrooms are typically smaller than every other room in the house.
Sunday, March 04, 2012
Day 3 - Weirdness
The prompt for day 3 is weird things I do when I'm alone. This one is hard for me, because right off the top of my head I can't think of anything specific that I do that I would consider weird.
I already talked about how when I'm alone I dance around and sing to my heart's content, but I don't really consider that to be weird. I also talk out loud to myself more often than I care to admit to. Mostly though, I think I'm a fairly boring person. When I'm alone I love to read books, because then I can read with no distractions, and that is not weird, I don't think.
Mostly I think when I'm alone I do normal things that are harder to do when people are around. Pamper myself, read, bubble baths...
So after pondering this for most of the day, that's as much as you get. I can't think of anything really weird that I do when I'm alone. Anything I can think of that I do that is considered "weird" in my world, I usually do when Savannah and Dave are home too...
Saturday, March 03, 2012
Day 2 - Happiness
Day 2 is a picture that makes me happy.
The two people I care about most in the world. Dave, and our daughter, Savannah. This was taken the day she was born, right after delivery. I love the giddy smile on Dave's face, and how he shows her off. This was a good day, even though it was incredibly long.
Day 1 - Things you don't expect about me...
So, day 1 is 10 things about me that people don't really expect.
- Some people (most people) probably already know this, but I am one of those people who if you do something that ends up with you being hurt, I am usually laughing. Case in point, when Dave tried to put a marble rolling pin back in a box by simply dropping it in and it fell out the other end and landed on his toe, I was in hysterics, like the not cute laugh where you are sucking in breaths and you sound like a dying horse... Yes. I laugh like that, and I sometimes love it. On the flip side, I hate when people laugh at me when I get hurt.
- I am completely and utterly terrified of people I don't know. Whether this is on the phone, by email, text, whatever. I hate talking to them. I have a horrible fear of screwing up in front of said people and what they will think of me for the rest of their lives, even though I know logically most people won't remember me for the next 5 minutes let alone the rest of their lives. I get shaky and sweaty, and I just don't like it. This completely contradicts my career plan as I plan on working in front of people I don't know, doing something it is incredibly easy to screw up at...
- Although most times it is impossible for me to remain angry, if you say something about me or to me that really hurts my feelings, I can hold a grudge. As an example, I was kind of a drama queen in high school, and I frequently would storm to my room for the night, scream at my dad that I hated him, slam my bedroom door then throw myself on my bed and go to sleep. The next morning I would never remember that I had even been angry at my dad in the first place and treated him with all the love and respect he deserves. But someone said something to me 6 months ago about me not sounding good when I sing, and I still hate him a little for it every time I see him...
- Even though I don't check to make sure that my blog is completely without grammatical errors and really write pretty informally on here, I am a grammar freak. So much so, that when there are errors in books, it eats at me through the whole book. I would love to be a book editor, except it would mean tons of English in college, which in turn would mean tons of writing, which I actually hate. With a fiery passion.
- I taught my daughter to say "douche bag", completely on accident. Apparently if you say something enough times making fun of someone else, your kids will latch on. This word seriously needs to leave my vocabulary, and Dave's before she says it somewhere else, like church. Also, I should probably stop making fun of other people...
- I secretly love what I deem to be "nerdy" shows, even though I complain every time Dave wants to watch them. Battlestar Galactica, Stargate SG-1, Supernatural... to name a few...
- Laundry is the bane of my existence. I would almost, and I stress the word almost, rather walk around naked than do my laundry.
- I have watched all three Lord of the Rings movies, and read almost all of all three books, even though I made a promise to myself in high school that I never would, because I didn't want to be just like the "in" crowd.
- I am only a University of Utah fan because Dave is, I never cared one way or the other until after Dave and I started dating. Conversely, my dad is only a BYU fan because Dave is a Utah fan, and he thinks that there needs to be some rivalry in the family. He also never really cared until I started dating Dave.
- I love to sing. With like every fiber of my being. I dance around and sing while I clean, and I don't care who can hear it. Dave came home from work the other day and could hear me at the bottom of our stairs (3 flights) through the walls of the condo. All the windows and doors were shut. I sing into basically anything that resembles a microphone, and I love it. However, I usually clam up when people are around, and unless I am truly comfortable around you, I will not sing in the car if you are there.
For Lydia... 30 day Challenge - List of Challenges
Lydia is doing a 30 day challenge. I have always thought these look interesting and somewhat entertaining to do. So, I'm also going to do this, and strive to blog every day for a month, maybe this will give me motivation to continue blogging after the fact, we'll see how things progress. So anyway, she posted a list of her topics, and I'm going to post that same list. These are the things I will be blogging about. I think in order to catch up to where she's at, I'll actually have to do like 2 days right now. I'll have to check again...
Anyway, without further rambling, here is the list:
- 10 things about you people don’t really expect
- A photo that makes you happy
- Weird things you do when you’re alone
- 5 things that irritate you about the opposite sex/same sex
- Something you can’t seem to get over
- What’s an inside joke you have with someone?
- How you found out about Blogger and why you made a blog
- Talk about your siblings
- A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
- Your favorite store
- Put iPod on shuffle and list the first 10 songs.
- What are the 10 most significant events in your life?
- What you wear to bed
- Bullet your whole day
- Nicknames
- Talk about your parents
- A quote you love
- 10 ways to win your heart
- Death row meal
- 20 of your favorite things
- Your opinion about your body and how comfortable you are with it
- Something you miss
- Something you wonder “What if…?” about
- What do you want your future to be like?
- What people notice about you
- If you died tomorrow, what’s one thing you’d regret not doing?
- What do you feel guilty for doing?
- 3 things you are proud of about your personality
- What have you learned in the past month
Here goes nothing...
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