Thursday, December 28, 2006

Mhm.. I don't know

So today was fun. ish.

My friend Megan wanted to get her nails done but she didn't want to go by herself so she asked me to go with her and i did. It's nice to be pampered by those people. The guy (yeah.. guy.. odd huh?) doing my nails was trying to get me to relax my fingers and I was having trouble with it so he asked me if it was my first time holding hands with a boy and that's why I was nervous. It made me giggle. Only now these nails are driving me bonkers! Oh well. I'll survive.

Then Amy and I went to panda express together for lunch. They have yummy food! I'd never eaten there before. Mmm! I loved it. Then we drove up to La Caille to do research for our project for marketing. I thought La Caille was forever away. But seriously, only 15 miles from my house! I was like "Whoa!" And that was pretty fun, even though I had to drive with a snow plow behind me... I pushed the rear view mirror up so I couldn't see it. (I have issues with snow plows...) And I totally made it up the HUGE hill at La Caille without freaking out.

Then we went and met with this guy Eric who was oober cute. And very informative. It was nice.

Then Amy and I came back to my house and watched the 6th sense. That movie is basically scary. bleh.

Then came choir rehearsal to sing with the tab choir on sunday. Yeah.. oober nervous about that. Something to be aired across the whole US and canada? Pretty scary if you ask me... Oh well.. I'll get over it I guess. The songs are gorgeous though. I absolutely love them.

I don't even know if any of that made sense. Oh well..


Anonymous said...

I heart Panda Express. Their orange chicken.... *drool*

And La Caille really isn't that far away. I've never eaten there, but it's a pleasure to go past it every time I go up to Little Cottonwood Canyon! ^_^

Oh, and something came up on Sunday during the devotional, so I won't be able to make it, after all. :-( Let me know how it goes, though!

The Warrior said...

Ooh, orange flavored chook! MMMM!!!

And I've never held hands with a girl...that would make me job made me come close to it yesterday (actually we were both just working on something together).

Stephanie said...

mm! That's what I had at panda express! that and some other sort of chicken. I don't know. I got whatever it was that amy had and oh man! It was yummy!

La Caille.. oh man. Gorgeous! They have ice sculptures!

I'll be sure to let you know how it goes. My mom's recording the broadcast though. Maybe we'll have to have a party and watch it.. NOT!

I've held hands with boys.. a couple of them. Most of them are jerks now though. They're no fun.

jane said...

steph you had orange chicken, mandarin chicken with sauce and fried rice. cuz you don't like chow mein! Lol. but, it really was so much fun! i cant' wait to hang out again.

la caille is amzing. and that eric guy is oober cute! i totally agree with you. :D