Sunday, February 04, 2007


ok so I know this is two posts in one day. But I remembered that I said I would post a memory in one of my blogs to live up to Nathan's challenge. And while it's been over a week, tonight I'm thinking of a memory that I want to share because I think it is immensely funny.

Once upon a time...

No just kidding. But seriously, one time my friend Andie and I were walking home from school. And we were walking down 54th south. Which is the busy road close to us. And we found this sign on the side of the road. and there was no traffic so we decided we would throw it into the middle of the road. And nothing happened.

Well the next day, we're walking down that same stretch of road and that same sign is back on our side of the road. So thinking nothing of it, we picked it up and chucked it back into the middle of the road. And then you hear this huge screeching of tires and such. Really scary to be honest.

So the guy driving gets out of the car and is screaming at Andie and me. Telling us he was going to call the cops and asking for our names and our addresses and our parents names. It was really quite scary. Then when he found out we were 13 he decided to leave us alone.

Really scary at the time but hilarious in hindsight. Moral of the story: Don't throw signs into the same road twice. Only do it once. Then you don't get in trobule. No j/k seriously don't throw signs into the road. It can be very dangerous.


The Warrior said...

I have just one question for you:

What on earth were you doing throwing signs in the road????

Stephanie said...

lol. We were throwing signs into the middle of the road being immature 13 year olds like we were. It was just a stupid re-elect so and so sign.

The Warrior said...

Oh, he yelled for that? So sorry!

Lydia said...

Ha ha ha... sounds like mucho a lot of fun, to be honest. Except for the part where you got yelled at I suppose.

Stephanie said...

It was amazingly fun. that's the kind of fun Andie and I always had.

Among other odd things. That I'm sure will be posted some day.

My next memory is all planned out though. I know EXACTLY what I'm going to post for it.