Friday, March 02, 2007

I'm scared....

I just found out that one of my best friends is in the ICU at the hospital because she fractured her skull. She was life flighted last night. I'm really really really scared for her. A fractured skull is really scary.

And someone I care about a lot a lot left last night. All I can do is sit here and cry. I'm so scared.

They're taking cat scans for Sydney today. Her brother said she's stable but she's still in the ICU. So I can't even see her. We're going up there though to have them give her a card.

Bleh. Not cool.


The Warrior said...

Oh, poor Sydney! I wish I could do something to help....

And we'll all miss Dave.

If you need anything, just let me know. I'll bet she'll be fine though. My dad fractured his skull over ten years ago, and I've had a concussion (I even blacked out for a minute), we're still kickin'!


Nathan said...

Ouch... that's one thing that hasn't happened to me yet (:-P), but it sounds really painful. I'll say a little something to God for Sydney tonight. Hope she gets better, and comes out good-as-new!

Courtney said...

Guess What!!!!

Happy Birthday tomorrow!!!

I would text you at midnight, but I don't think I can stay up that late!

I love you tons hun! Shopping was so much fun! I'm so glad we could hang out on Friday! I love you lots!

Stephanie said...


I know nothing of said birthday...

Courtney said...

lol. yeah yeah, give it up! nathan already knows! ;) and that's your fault, not mine!

The Warrior said...

Happy birthday, Steph. I'll bet you grow more beautiful by the year. ;-P

Courtney said...

oh, she does.

and that's sayin' somethin'. cuz she's already gorgeous!

Stephanie said...

uh.. I don't and I'm not?

Courtney said...


The Warrior said...

Tell the truth, Steph!!!!

jane said...

steph you are amzingly gorgeous. and i think you are amzing. :D

Stephanie said...

yeah... none of you have seen me today though. I promise you'll disagree when you see me tomorrow Amy. I don't look anything close to pretty let alone gorgeous. Maybe on the days I try..

Courtney said...

whatever, steph. don't even try. we all know you're beautiful. it's true, it's true. :D you're definitely gorgeous, babe. :D love ya tons!