I have so much I've got to blog about, but not enough time, so for now...
Merry Christmas! I hope you all have a wonderful day!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Thanksgiving & Black Friday Scare...
So, I know it's a little late, but oh well. You'll all just have to deal with it, not that I think anyone really pays attention to this anymore, but I've been thinking lately that I need to start journaling more, and this is the easiest way to start.
Thanksgiving was really good. It was mom's birthday so we went to her house early and I watched the parade with her and helped her get things ready. I even got to help make the stuffing! It was so cool. My favorite things to cook involve getting your hands dirty, so meat loaf, and now stuffing. We got everything ready for an awesome feast, and had dinner about 7:00 when Manda and Mitch got there from work. It was the latest we've ever had Thanksgiving dinner, but it was a good dinner regardless. The turkey was great! My dad did an excellent job on it.
However, I don't think Dave thought it was so great Friday morning when he puked it all up. Poor guy. We got up about 7:30 on Friday and Dave was terribly sick. He asked me to get him a bucket so I went and got a bucket and then I tried to give it to him, but I don't deal well with puke, and the smell hit me, and I puked too... but mine was smaller and a lot easier for me to get over. Dave called in sick to work and then I left to go shopping with the gals in my family.
I got Dave two great presents, but I didn't get to finish because about 11:30, Dave asked me to come home and take him to the doctor. His stomach was starting to hurt and he was still throwing up, so I had my mom drop me off at home, and off we went to the instacare. After waiting there about 20 minutes, we finally were in to see the doctor, and he told us we needed to go to the ER, because Dave might have appendicitis. It was terrifying for me, until we got to my parents and had Dad and Drew give Dave a priesthood blessing where it was promised that Dave would make a full recovery in a relatively short amount of time. But off to the ER we went.
Dave was dehydrated so they started an IV to get him some fluids, but he wasn't allowed to eat or drink anything. Then after about 3 hours, we finally were up to get a CT scan to see if it really was his appendix. The CT scan was the worst part of the whole thing- it was the only time I had to be separated from him. He was getting the CT scan and I was out in the hall, not even anywhere near him... I couldn't see him or hear him or anything. But when the CT scans were over, we went back into the room to wait and find out the results. At about 6:00, they came in to tell us it wasn't his appendix and that we'd be discharged soon, so we were waiting, but the nurse didn't like Dave's vitals, so she made us stay for another hour to get another bag of fluids into him and hopefully to get his fever down (which didn't work, we left with a temp of 101 which is what we got there with). But we finally got to go home at around 7:00.
Let me tell you, being in a hospital room almost all day is tiring! We filled Dave's prescriptions and then we went home, and literally collapsed into bed, not to wake up until probably 10:00 the next morning.
And Dave is feeling much better, which is a relief for me. He's still got a few times where he feels nauseous, but other than that, he's almost completely better, which is so good. I'm very grateful for it.
In other news, Dave is finished with school! Well, for this semester anyway, which means we'll have a lot more freetime for about 3 weeks... or not with Christmas coming up and all...
Oh, and check out my new picture! It's my new favorite of my sister and I. It's from her wedding... just an FYI, trying to give a woman in a wedding dress a piggy back, doesn't work so well...
Thanksgiving was really good. It was mom's birthday so we went to her house early and I watched the parade with her and helped her get things ready. I even got to help make the stuffing! It was so cool. My favorite things to cook involve getting your hands dirty, so meat loaf, and now stuffing. We got everything ready for an awesome feast, and had dinner about 7:00 when Manda and Mitch got there from work. It was the latest we've ever had Thanksgiving dinner, but it was a good dinner regardless. The turkey was great! My dad did an excellent job on it.
However, I don't think Dave thought it was so great Friday morning when he puked it all up. Poor guy. We got up about 7:30 on Friday and Dave was terribly sick. He asked me to get him a bucket so I went and got a bucket and then I tried to give it to him, but I don't deal well with puke, and the smell hit me, and I puked too... but mine was smaller and a lot easier for me to get over. Dave called in sick to work and then I left to go shopping with the gals in my family.
I got Dave two great presents, but I didn't get to finish because about 11:30, Dave asked me to come home and take him to the doctor. His stomach was starting to hurt and he was still throwing up, so I had my mom drop me off at home, and off we went to the instacare. After waiting there about 20 minutes, we finally were in to see the doctor, and he told us we needed to go to the ER, because Dave might have appendicitis. It was terrifying for me, until we got to my parents and had Dad and Drew give Dave a priesthood blessing where it was promised that Dave would make a full recovery in a relatively short amount of time. But off to the ER we went.
Dave was dehydrated so they started an IV to get him some fluids, but he wasn't allowed to eat or drink anything. Then after about 3 hours, we finally were up to get a CT scan to see if it really was his appendix. The CT scan was the worst part of the whole thing- it was the only time I had to be separated from him. He was getting the CT scan and I was out in the hall, not even anywhere near him... I couldn't see him or hear him or anything. But when the CT scans were over, we went back into the room to wait and find out the results. At about 6:00, they came in to tell us it wasn't his appendix and that we'd be discharged soon, so we were waiting, but the nurse didn't like Dave's vitals, so she made us stay for another hour to get another bag of fluids into him and hopefully to get his fever down (which didn't work, we left with a temp of 101 which is what we got there with). But we finally got to go home at around 7:00.
Let me tell you, being in a hospital room almost all day is tiring! We filled Dave's prescriptions and then we went home, and literally collapsed into bed, not to wake up until probably 10:00 the next morning.
And Dave is feeling much better, which is a relief for me. He's still got a few times where he feels nauseous, but other than that, he's almost completely better, which is so good. I'm very grateful for it.
In other news, Dave is finished with school! Well, for this semester anyway, which means we'll have a lot more freetime for about 3 weeks... or not with Christmas coming up and all...
Oh, and check out my new picture! It's my new favorite of my sister and I. It's from her wedding... just an FYI, trying to give a woman in a wedding dress a piggy back, doesn't work so well...
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Today, and a lot of days lately, I feel a lot like a failure. Dave tells me that I'm not, which is nice of him, but it's kinda required because he's my husband. I don't feel like I'm fulfilling my duties as a wife, or as a sister or a daughter. Sometimes, I feel like I'm doing a lot and getting everything done and accomplishing a lot, but other times, I feel like a complete and total failure.
I dropped all my classes this semester... I was going to fail them if I didn't, but now I can't help but question myself. Why didn't I try harder toward the beginning of the semester? They weren't even hard classes. I was taking a pretty light load even, but I either really would have been a failure, or just felt like one because of dropping them. It's not just because I dropped them either. My sister dropped out of college, and I don't want to disappoint my parents that way. I am going to go back and take classes next semester, but until then, I feel like I'll disappoint my parents the same way my sister did if they know. I know I'll eventually have to tell them, I just keep putting it off.
Also, my house is a disaster- there will be pictures of before and after up on our couples blog later tonight or tomorrow. Dave doesn't think it's my job to keep it clean because I work full time, but I have always wanted to just grow up get married and be a mom. That's not going to happen soon (the mom part) but in my eyes, being married meant that I was in charge of cleaning the house and cooking dinner and doing the laundry- not because that's what society wants, but because that's how special I want my husband to feel. I don't want him to have to worry about the house being clean or the dishes getting done or the kids getting dinner. In my house growing up, my mom was almost always just a stay at home mom. We spent time cooking dinner and cleaning the house and when dad was home, it was mostly just spend time with dad or as a family rather than focusing on the house. I want my future kids to have that same opportunity to get to know their dad, and I want my husband to be able to get to know his kids because we won't always be busy doing something else. Eventually, it is my goal to be able to have dinner ready when Dave gets home and the house clean all the time- as a habit rather than a clean when I can't stand how dirty it is anymore.
I realize that I'm not perfect and that I'm never going to be, but this is something I've been having a hard time with lately... since I dropped my classes really.
In other news, I'm looking for a new job. It's finally gotten to the point at work that I just can't do it anymore. I hate the feeling I get when I walk in the door. It's hard being the only one there who has the same principles and morals as me. Trying to keep my standards for myself up is hard when I'm surrounded by such a negative influence all the time. I catch myself cursing a lot more often and I don't treat Dave the way I think he should be treated when I come home from work upset about how my day has gone. So, I'm definitely looking for something new. And I think I might have something lined up. I'm hoping to find out for sure next week.
Anyway, Dave's ready for his test now I think, so my time is up for the night.
See ya!
I dropped all my classes this semester... I was going to fail them if I didn't, but now I can't help but question myself. Why didn't I try harder toward the beginning of the semester? They weren't even hard classes. I was taking a pretty light load even, but I either really would have been a failure, or just felt like one because of dropping them. It's not just because I dropped them either. My sister dropped out of college, and I don't want to disappoint my parents that way. I am going to go back and take classes next semester, but until then, I feel like I'll disappoint my parents the same way my sister did if they know. I know I'll eventually have to tell them, I just keep putting it off.
Also, my house is a disaster- there will be pictures of before and after up on our couples blog later tonight or tomorrow. Dave doesn't think it's my job to keep it clean because I work full time, but I have always wanted to just grow up get married and be a mom. That's not going to happen soon (the mom part) but in my eyes, being married meant that I was in charge of cleaning the house and cooking dinner and doing the laundry- not because that's what society wants, but because that's how special I want my husband to feel. I don't want him to have to worry about the house being clean or the dishes getting done or the kids getting dinner. In my house growing up, my mom was almost always just a stay at home mom. We spent time cooking dinner and cleaning the house and when dad was home, it was mostly just spend time with dad or as a family rather than focusing on the house. I want my future kids to have that same opportunity to get to know their dad, and I want my husband to be able to get to know his kids because we won't always be busy doing something else. Eventually, it is my goal to be able to have dinner ready when Dave gets home and the house clean all the time- as a habit rather than a clean when I can't stand how dirty it is anymore.
I realize that I'm not perfect and that I'm never going to be, but this is something I've been having a hard time with lately... since I dropped my classes really.
In other news, I'm looking for a new job. It's finally gotten to the point at work that I just can't do it anymore. I hate the feeling I get when I walk in the door. It's hard being the only one there who has the same principles and morals as me. Trying to keep my standards for myself up is hard when I'm surrounded by such a negative influence all the time. I catch myself cursing a lot more often and I don't treat Dave the way I think he should be treated when I come home from work upset about how my day has gone. So, I'm definitely looking for something new. And I think I might have something lined up. I'm hoping to find out for sure next week.
Anyway, Dave's ready for his test now I think, so my time is up for the night.
See ya!
Friday, August 08, 2008
Been a while... As usual?
So by now, I'm sure you all know I'm not the greatest blogger, but if you know me well enough, you probably know what's been going on in my life...
However, to avoid getting more crap from Daniel the next time I see him, I think it's time for an update--Again, on Friday at 4:30.
Things with me have been going relatively well. I've been pretty stressed about school, and overall, I did a horrible job at summer semester, I already know I have to retake at least two classes... and I still have 3 grades left to get. I'm not exactly excited about that one, but hopefully the second time around it's easeir? Maybe?
Dave lost his job yesterday, and I'm surprisingly not worried about it. Of course there are times when I do, but for the most part, I know that Heavenly Father is watching over us and that we'll make it through just fine. No worries. Someone a lot more important than anyone down here is watching out for us and making sure we'll be fine. Plus, we have a great network of friends and family that would be more than willing to help us out if we ever needed it. Thankfully, we haven't had to use those resources yet, and hopefully we won't.
Work's is still the same. I'm still frustrated by it, but I'm taking actions now that make it so I'm not just whinig about it and hoping things will change. I've taken it to the vice president of the company. I told him I didn't think it was fair to me, the other people who don't go out to drink, our customers, or the company that people go out at 4:30 to have a beer, and I explained to him my reasoning behind it all. Hopefully something comes of that.
I've been here for a year next saturday... They're having a party to commemorate it... (Just kidding. But the company party is actually on my one year date.)
Tonight Nathan Dave and I are going camping. Looking back, I wish this is the kind of thing I'd been able to do in high school. Spend nights out with my friends rather than staying home all the time, granted, I do love staying in with Dave and just lounging around the house, cleaning or whatever we can do together, but I love spending time with friends too. It's great that we get to spend this time with Nathan before he goes on his mission too. I especially like it because Nathan is a HUGE part of Dave's life, and I'm finally getting a chance to get to know him better, which is great. Nathan's one of the people who will be there no matter what. Those are the best kind of friends. It's unfortunate that I don't have more of them... Even more unfortunate that I've lost some of the ones I used to have....
Well, since there's a "scheduled outage" soon, I guess I better close this and get ready to head home.
I might be back next week... who knows?
However, to avoid getting more crap from Daniel the next time I see him, I think it's time for an update--Again, on Friday at 4:30.
Things with me have been going relatively well. I've been pretty stressed about school, and overall, I did a horrible job at summer semester, I already know I have to retake at least two classes... and I still have 3 grades left to get. I'm not exactly excited about that one, but hopefully the second time around it's easeir? Maybe?
Dave lost his job yesterday, and I'm surprisingly not worried about it. Of course there are times when I do, but for the most part, I know that Heavenly Father is watching over us and that we'll make it through just fine. No worries. Someone a lot more important than anyone down here is watching out for us and making sure we'll be fine. Plus, we have a great network of friends and family that would be more than willing to help us out if we ever needed it. Thankfully, we haven't had to use those resources yet, and hopefully we won't.
Work's is still the same. I'm still frustrated by it, but I'm taking actions now that make it so I'm not just whinig about it and hoping things will change. I've taken it to the vice president of the company. I told him I didn't think it was fair to me, the other people who don't go out to drink, our customers, or the company that people go out at 4:30 to have a beer, and I explained to him my reasoning behind it all. Hopefully something comes of that.
I've been here for a year next saturday... They're having a party to commemorate it... (Just kidding. But the company party is actually on my one year date.)
Tonight Nathan Dave and I are going camping. Looking back, I wish this is the kind of thing I'd been able to do in high school. Spend nights out with my friends rather than staying home all the time, granted, I do love staying in with Dave and just lounging around the house, cleaning or whatever we can do together, but I love spending time with friends too. It's great that we get to spend this time with Nathan before he goes on his mission too. I especially like it because Nathan is a HUGE part of Dave's life, and I'm finally getting a chance to get to know him better, which is great. Nathan's one of the people who will be there no matter what. Those are the best kind of friends. It's unfortunate that I don't have more of them... Even more unfortunate that I've lost some of the ones I used to have....
Well, since there's a "scheduled outage" soon, I guess I better close this and get ready to head home.
I might be back next week... who knows?
Friday, May 23, 2008
Locks of Love
My little sister's class in school has been doing sort of a cancer awareness month. The whole sixth grade went on a 30 mile bike ride for the cure this week. They got sponsers and sent out letters to businesses asking for donations and such. I'm amazed at them. They're such freaking awesome little kiddos.
So anyway, they finished their ride yesterday. And then at school they decided that they were going to let the little girly's cut their hair if they wanted to donate it to locks of love.
My little sister and I had previously discussed donating our hair together, but there couldn't have been a better opportunity. We were initially going to wait for our hair to grow out a little longer, but ended up just doing it last night as I wouldn't be able to make it to school with her today to get mine done at the same time.
So last night, we toted ourselved to Great Clips and got our hair cut. Ten inches didn't seem like it would be a lot to me. But oh my heck! My hair is fantastically short! Almost shorter than I've ever had it... but not quite. It's a tad bit longer than that.
I think it's kinda cute. Kinda a short little bob... Dave hates it. He doesn't like short hair. He did admit that it looks good on me though. Besides, it'll grow back in like a month or two. Not to quite the same length, but long enough he'll live with it and like it.
In other news, I'm really starting to get a kick out of nursery.
Look how adorable these kids are!

They were thankful for their eyes. Super cute huh?
They're fabulous.
Also, I love our new neighbors! We took them cookies. They brought us back brownies. We're going to make them surprise prize cupcakes! It's going to be SO much fun. They're really nice and I love them!
Anyway, there's like ten minutes left of work. And seriously... It's me and the big bosses here. My boss left about 15 minutes ago with a keg of beer in her hands... Insert huge eye roll here...
So anyway, they finished their ride yesterday. And then at school they decided that they were going to let the little girly's cut their hair if they wanted to donate it to locks of love.
My little sister and I had previously discussed donating our hair together, but there couldn't have been a better opportunity. We were initially going to wait for our hair to grow out a little longer, but ended up just doing it last night as I wouldn't be able to make it to school with her today to get mine done at the same time.
So last night, we toted ourselved to Great Clips and got our hair cut. Ten inches didn't seem like it would be a lot to me. But oh my heck! My hair is fantastically short! Almost shorter than I've ever had it... but not quite. It's a tad bit longer than that.
I think it's kinda cute. Kinda a short little bob... Dave hates it. He doesn't like short hair. He did admit that it looks good on me though. Besides, it'll grow back in like a month or two. Not to quite the same length, but long enough he'll live with it and like it.
In other news, I'm really starting to get a kick out of nursery.
Look how adorable these kids are!
They were thankful for their eyes. Super cute huh?
They're fabulous.
Also, I love our new neighbors! We took them cookies. They brought us back brownies. We're going to make them surprise prize cupcakes! It's going to be SO much fun. They're really nice and I love them!
Anyway, there's like ten minutes left of work. And seriously... It's me and the big bosses here. My boss left about 15 minutes ago with a keg of beer in her hands... Insert huge eye roll here...
Friday, May 16, 2008
Stronger than Ever
So today, I've actually been thinking about what I really wanted to post about and I've come up with this. I really want to share the testimony I've been developing since I got married and just some things that I think are pretty amazing testimony builders.
First of all, let me just say that I really do have an amazing testimony of the truthfulness of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I know with my whole heart that it's true. I've had some amazing experiences in my life that just help strengthen that testimony.
Dave is one of the very best things for my testimony. He may not know it, but he's been an amazing strength and influence in shaping the testimony I currently have.
Recently, Dave was having a really big issue with the company he was working for and wanted to quit his job. We decided that we would pray about it and find out what the Lord would have us do. We prayed about it in every prayer for the next two days. I felt so calm about it. I didn't stress at all (something that doesn't normally happen. I strees a lot...) Then Dave wrote his letter of resignation, and quit his job. Without anywhere else to go. And I still didn't stress. I knew the Lord would provide. Two days later, Dave had a job. I know with all my being that the Lord had a hand in this and that the calmness and peacefulness I felt about him quitting his job was the Spirit letting me know things would be ok.
Even though Dave didn't have a job for 2 days, we still were doing fine. We got our tax stimulus payment, and didn't stress too much about money--let me rephrase that, I didn't stress... Dave was a different story. And just yesterday, we found out that we qualify for financial aid again for summer semester and we're each getting money refunded from that.
I know that the Lord played a part in this. He has helped us in so many ways. My testimony has grown so much recently.
I know that no matter what happens in this life, the Lord will be there to help and comfort us. I know it.
That's what I was thinking about today. I really just wanted to get that out there. Maybe it will help someone... who knows.
Out until next week-
First of all, let me just say that I really do have an amazing testimony of the truthfulness of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I know with my whole heart that it's true. I've had some amazing experiences in my life that just help strengthen that testimony.
Dave is one of the very best things for my testimony. He may not know it, but he's been an amazing strength and influence in shaping the testimony I currently have.
Recently, Dave was having a really big issue with the company he was working for and wanted to quit his job. We decided that we would pray about it and find out what the Lord would have us do. We prayed about it in every prayer for the next two days. I felt so calm about it. I didn't stress at all (something that doesn't normally happen. I strees a lot...) Then Dave wrote his letter of resignation, and quit his job. Without anywhere else to go. And I still didn't stress. I knew the Lord would provide. Two days later, Dave had a job. I know with all my being that the Lord had a hand in this and that the calmness and peacefulness I felt about him quitting his job was the Spirit letting me know things would be ok.
Even though Dave didn't have a job for 2 days, we still were doing fine. We got our tax stimulus payment, and didn't stress too much about money--let me rephrase that, I didn't stress... Dave was a different story. And just yesterday, we found out that we qualify for financial aid again for summer semester and we're each getting money refunded from that.
I know that the Lord played a part in this. He has helped us in so many ways. My testimony has grown so much recently.
I know that no matter what happens in this life, the Lord will be there to help and comfort us. I know it.
That's what I was thinking about today. I really just wanted to get that out there. Maybe it will help someone... who knows.
Out until next week-
Friday, May 09, 2008
It's Party Time...
Seriously though, today for me it is! Dave and I are gonig on yet another date! Whoo hoo! I'm seriously excited for this one.
Here's the plan for the night. First, Dave's going to pick me up at 5:00, and then we're headed over to meet Megan and Chad at IHOP! After dinner, Dave and I have to split for a class orientation that we have tonight, but then we're meeting back up to go Thunder Bowling! Whoo hoo! And after that we might stop and see a movie, but I'm not really positive about that one.
I'm really excited! We haven't seen Megan and Chad since Palm Sunday, so it's been quite a while. And I really love going on dates with them. They're a fun couple to be around and Meg and I have been friends since third grade. Seriously, what better than a night out on the town with the man I love, and some of my best friends? I honestly can't think of a better way to spend my night tonight.
Just today I started noticing a difference on my outlook of work, and how it's changed how I feel while I'm at work. I've decided that perspective changes as you change, and that the difference in things a lot of times is who you are. Lately I've been trying to keep a positive outlook toward all aspects of my life, including my job. Which is why I didn't start out with my usual rant about beer thirty on fridays. I still disagree with it -I think beer is a vile drink. Not only does it smell absolutely disgusting, but I'd never want to lose control of my mind and body the way you do when you're drunk- but I'm ok with it. It's their decision to go out and drink beer. Just like it's mine to stay in and not have a beer.
I've been trying to get the work room cleaned up and kept that way, and I am finally finished with the east side of the room. Next week I'll work on the west side, but until then, I'm satisfied with the product of my hard work. I've got the east side cleaned up and labeled, and part of the west side done if I want to be truthful. It's exciting.
I also recently had my employee review. And surprisingly, my employer rated me higher than I did! And she gave me a raise and talked about how she's glad I'm with the company. Nothing like that to boost morale.
Not to mention, they got rid of the one person I couldn't stand at work. My work environment is getting better and I guess so is my attitude.
My house is for sale. I want it SO badly! But right now, I've resigned myself to the fact that I'll probably never get it. By the time our lease in the apartment is up, this house I want will probably be snatched up off the market. Maybe not though, and then we'll be able to afford it and get it. Someday... I hope. I actually think our next step will be a town home, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
That's all I can think of for now, so I guess you'll hear from me next week.
Here's the plan for the night. First, Dave's going to pick me up at 5:00, and then we're headed over to meet Megan and Chad at IHOP! After dinner, Dave and I have to split for a class orientation that we have tonight, but then we're meeting back up to go Thunder Bowling! Whoo hoo! And after that we might stop and see a movie, but I'm not really positive about that one.
I'm really excited! We haven't seen Megan and Chad since Palm Sunday, so it's been quite a while. And I really love going on dates with them. They're a fun couple to be around and Meg and I have been friends since third grade. Seriously, what better than a night out on the town with the man I love, and some of my best friends? I honestly can't think of a better way to spend my night tonight.
Just today I started noticing a difference on my outlook of work, and how it's changed how I feel while I'm at work. I've decided that perspective changes as you change, and that the difference in things a lot of times is who you are. Lately I've been trying to keep a positive outlook toward all aspects of my life, including my job. Which is why I didn't start out with my usual rant about beer thirty on fridays. I still disagree with it -I think beer is a vile drink. Not only does it smell absolutely disgusting, but I'd never want to lose control of my mind and body the way you do when you're drunk- but I'm ok with it. It's their decision to go out and drink beer. Just like it's mine to stay in and not have a beer.
I've been trying to get the work room cleaned up and kept that way, and I am finally finished with the east side of the room. Next week I'll work on the west side, but until then, I'm satisfied with the product of my hard work. I've got the east side cleaned up and labeled, and part of the west side done if I want to be truthful. It's exciting.
I also recently had my employee review. And surprisingly, my employer rated me higher than I did! And she gave me a raise and talked about how she's glad I'm with the company. Nothing like that to boost morale.
Not to mention, they got rid of the one person I couldn't stand at work. My work environment is getting better and I guess so is my attitude.
My house is for sale. I want it SO badly! But right now, I've resigned myself to the fact that I'll probably never get it. By the time our lease in the apartment is up, this house I want will probably be snatched up off the market. Maybe not though, and then we'll be able to afford it and get it. Someday... I hope. I actually think our next step will be a town home, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
That's all I can think of for now, so I guess you'll hear from me next week.
Friday, May 02, 2008
Happy Hour
Well... technically it would be happy half hour.. right?
I think it's kinda funny the way things play out sometimes... How sometimes you think things are one way, and then all of a sudden they change.
Today my "Nicole" texted me. She said she hoped my day went well and told me she was sorry for being such a horrible friend lately. Which of course sparked off a comment from me about how she wasn't horrible, that we were just going in our separate ways. It actually ended up pretty good. I guess the great thing about good friends is that no matter how different you get or how far apart you grow, eventually, you always come back together and realize what brought you together in the first place. And then that makes you realize that no matter what you'll always have that person in your life, for the times when you really need them, and the times you don't. It's amazing how things are put into perspective sometimes.
I think it's kinda funny the way things play out sometimes... How sometimes you think things are one way, and then all of a sudden they change.
Today my "Nicole" texted me. She said she hoped my day went well and told me she was sorry for being such a horrible friend lately. Which of course sparked off a comment from me about how she wasn't horrible, that we were just going in our separate ways. It actually ended up pretty good. I guess the great thing about good friends is that no matter how different you get or how far apart you grow, eventually, you always come back together and realize what brought you together in the first place. And then that makes you realize that no matter what you'll always have that person in your life, for the times when you really need them, and the times you don't. It's amazing how things are put into perspective sometimes.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Hurray! I'm finally done with all my finals! That rocks. Even though I probably did absolutely horribly at all of them. They're finally all over. I don't even care really about the grades I got. Seriously, don't care. I should, but right now I'm in like a lethargic state. I haven't felt well lately and I just don't give a flying flip. meh... oh well...
It's weird, I thought college would be so much different from high school, but really... it's so much the same it kinda scares me. Maybe I just took easy classes this semester, but nothing has really caused me to stress over grades or really anything. Which is odd, because in high school almost everything stressed me. It's almost like now that I'm in high school I just don't really care anymore. I graduated, that's what life has been about for almost the whole of my life, and now that I'm a college girl, I just don't know.
Onto a completely different subject, It's kinda weird how much things have changed since I got married. People view me as almost a completely different person just because I'm married. Most specifically, we'll call her Nicole. It's different because this person is a person I've trusted implicitly for... Over half of my life. And now that I'm married it's almost like she doesn't trust me at all just because I'm married. She thinks that I'll tell Dave everything she tells me. It's not a good situation. I feel like I've lost a friend, and that there's nothing I can do about it. Life goes on I guess. I'll never forget her, and somewhere, there will always be a part of her in me, we'll just go our separate ways. It just makes me feel somewhat lacking in the friend department. In all actuality, I kind of am, but I've never actually felt like a complete loser because I don't have friends. And I guess I don't really now, I just don't feel as complete... I guess that's the word... as I used to. I feel like there's a part of me missing... I guess because it's been there so long that I don't know what to do without it. That and I lost another really good friend simply because she was upset because I got married. It's kinda upsetting. But Dave's really good about listening to me cry about it and just giving me a shoulder to cry on or someone to vent about Nicole to. He feels really bad about it, but I wouldn't have changed a thing. Maybe it was just time that Nicole and I went our separate ways. I suppose to be honest we've been going in our separate ways ever since she moved, we were just too young and naive to realize it and let it get to us. She's changed a lot, and so have I. Maybe it's better this way. Why do the things in life that are good for us always have to be hard?
Ok... off of that rant....
Dave's still in history finishing his final... I'm on one of the college computers and the keyboard is ridiculously noisy! I feel like everyone should be staring at me just because of the clacking of the keys. It's kind of obnoxious. I'm so used to everything around me being quiet. I like the peacefulness of it all.
And I'm out of things to talk about... I guess I'll just surf the net while I wait for Dave to finish... There's gotta be something good doesn't there?
Maybe if you're lucky I'll post again on Friday during beer thirty...
It's weird, I thought college would be so much different from high school, but really... it's so much the same it kinda scares me. Maybe I just took easy classes this semester, but nothing has really caused me to stress over grades or really anything. Which is odd, because in high school almost everything stressed me. It's almost like now that I'm in high school I just don't really care anymore. I graduated, that's what life has been about for almost the whole of my life, and now that I'm a college girl, I just don't know.
Onto a completely different subject, It's kinda weird how much things have changed since I got married. People view me as almost a completely different person just because I'm married. Most specifically, we'll call her Nicole. It's different because this person is a person I've trusted implicitly for... Over half of my life. And now that I'm married it's almost like she doesn't trust me at all just because I'm married. She thinks that I'll tell Dave everything she tells me. It's not a good situation. I feel like I've lost a friend, and that there's nothing I can do about it. Life goes on I guess. I'll never forget her, and somewhere, there will always be a part of her in me, we'll just go our separate ways. It just makes me feel somewhat lacking in the friend department. In all actuality, I kind of am, but I've never actually felt like a complete loser because I don't have friends. And I guess I don't really now, I just don't feel as complete... I guess that's the word... as I used to. I feel like there's a part of me missing... I guess because it's been there so long that I don't know what to do without it. That and I lost another really good friend simply because she was upset because I got married. It's kinda upsetting. But Dave's really good about listening to me cry about it and just giving me a shoulder to cry on or someone to vent about Nicole to. He feels really bad about it, but I wouldn't have changed a thing. Maybe it was just time that Nicole and I went our separate ways. I suppose to be honest we've been going in our separate ways ever since she moved, we were just too young and naive to realize it and let it get to us. She's changed a lot, and so have I. Maybe it's better this way. Why do the things in life that are good for us always have to be hard?
Ok... off of that rant....
Dave's still in history finishing his final... I'm on one of the college computers and the keyboard is ridiculously noisy! I feel like everyone should be staring at me just because of the clacking of the keys. It's kind of obnoxious. I'm so used to everything around me being quiet. I like the peacefulness of it all.
And I'm out of things to talk about... I guess I'll just surf the net while I wait for Dave to finish... There's gotta be something good doesn't there?
Maybe if you're lucky I'll post again on Friday during beer thirty...
Friday, April 18, 2008
Pow Hana!!!!!!
So that's what it's called in Hawaii when everyone goes out and has a beer at 4:30 on Fridays... It kinda reminds me of Johnny Lingo.. Mohana you ugly! lol.
I think since I don't have to do any work officially after 4:30 on Fridays since everyone else is out getting drunk, I'll try and start writing more blogs.
Life is great. I love love love! being married.Dave is pretty much the best husband I could ever ask for. Oh sure, we have tough times, but we always get through them. There's an enduring love there that helps us get through anything.
Tomorrow I'm going to get all dressed up in my wedding dress again to do bridals that my sister's future mother in law wants to take. She wants to practice doing bridals and I get to be the subject. She takes some pretty cool pictures. I'll have to remember the link sometime and post it here.
If any of you ever get bored check out this blog. It's one that makes me think and reflect on how grateful I am for the life I live and the faith I have that gets me through the days. This little girl is such a trooper and I think she's amazing. I don't know her, but my heart goes out to her family. It's a tear jerker though, I warn you.
I don't know that anyone really reads this anymore- Dave and Spencer maybe- but I don't really care. It's kinda nice just to have a place where I can go and just blab. Dave's really good about listening to me when I need to though. I just sometimes feel like I'm overwhelming him because I talk so much.Thank you for that Dave. Thank you for everything you do for me. I really couldn't ask for more or better. You're the best, and I love you with everything I am. :-D
I think since I don't have to do any work officially after 4:30 on Fridays since everyone else is out getting drunk, I'll try and start writing more blogs.
Life is great. I love love love! being married.Dave is pretty much the best husband I could ever ask for. Oh sure, we have tough times, but we always get through them. There's an enduring love there that helps us get through anything.
Tomorrow I'm going to get all dressed up in my wedding dress again to do bridals that my sister's future mother in law wants to take. She wants to practice doing bridals and I get to be the subject. She takes some pretty cool pictures. I'll have to remember the link sometime and post it here.
If any of you ever get bored check out this blog. It's one that makes me think and reflect on how grateful I am for the life I live and the faith I have that gets me through the days. This little girl is such a trooper and I think she's amazing. I don't know her, but my heart goes out to her family. It's a tear jerker though, I warn you.
I don't know that anyone really reads this anymore- Dave and Spencer maybe- but I don't really care. It's kinda nice just to have a place where I can go and just blab. Dave's really good about listening to me when I need to though. I just sometimes feel like I'm overwhelming him because I talk so much.Thank you for that Dave. Thank you for everything you do for me. I really couldn't ask for more or better. You're the best, and I love you with everything I am. :-D
Friday, March 28, 2008
Work and Such...
So here I sit at work, being bored as all freaking heck on a Friday. It's about 4:45 and guess where my boss is? You'll never guess so let me tell you. She's out in the shop having a beer, just like every other Friday. Can I just say once how freaking ridiculous this is?!
But I guess that's what it's like here. Everyone goes out and has a beer at 4:30 on Fridays, either that or they leave. Except for me. I stay here until 5, just waiting until I can go home. Of course, I'd be able to leave if I was any position in the company other than the receptionist. It's one of the most irritating things about my job, I'd say.
Maybe today I'm just having a bad day or something, but it really is making me mad today. Why should I have to sit here and work while everyone else is out there getting drunk? I'm not even kidding! They stay here until 6 or 7 drinking, and then they leave and drive home! I have a huge problem with this, but I wouldn't know who to complain to or anything of the sort. Whatever though. I guess this is just a good place to vent it. At least I know most of the people who read this blog have the same morals as me and would deem it equally wrong.
I have a lot of issues with my job, but that one is a major one. There are tons of others though. Everyone treats everyone else like crap, I swear it's like being back in high school, but I'd almost even say it was worse. Everyone is petty here. It makes me feel like I'm 5. and they treat me like it too. That's another frustrating thing about my job. I'm not 2 years old. There is no reason for them to treat me like it. They're always checking up on me and repeating things to me just to make sure I understand them. I'm not stupid. If I was, I don't think they'd have hired me, right?
Ok, so even though I make my job sound horrible, there are the good aspects, lunch... I like some of my co workers, Wendy, Shauna, on a really really really really really good day Shilo, Liz sometimes, Jeff... *shrug* that's pretty much it. Everyone else here pretty much blows chunks. In a massive way.
In other news... I want a baby...
This is what my communications teacher would call a pregnant pause...
No, just kidding. No babies for us, at least not now.
Dave and I are giving our very first "adult talks" in sacarment meeting on Sunday. Which for those of you who aren't LDS, means we actually have to speak longer than 5 minutes. We have like 15 minutes to fill up! And I'm horrid at this type of thing anyway. My most memorable experience speaking in sacrament meeting actually didn't involve too many words at all. I got up looked at all the people and me in my brilliance, said "Wow... there's a lot of people here." and promptly started to cry. I finally muttered a few words and closed my talk and sat down. It was horrid. And I never seem to manage to escape speaking in church. I guess I have something to learn from this. So far, I don't think I've learned much. I mean unless you count how to make people think you're feeling the spirit when really you're so terrified you just want to curl up into a ball and cry for the rest of forever.
There wasn't really a point to this blog post. I guess just to vent out my frustrations and such with work. And then I just started rambling. You were warned properly though, I did name the blog random ramblings.
Out for now-
But I guess that's what it's like here. Everyone goes out and has a beer at 4:30 on Fridays, either that or they leave. Except for me. I stay here until 5, just waiting until I can go home. Of course, I'd be able to leave if I was any position in the company other than the receptionist. It's one of the most irritating things about my job, I'd say.
Maybe today I'm just having a bad day or something, but it really is making me mad today. Why should I have to sit here and work while everyone else is out there getting drunk? I'm not even kidding! They stay here until 6 or 7 drinking, and then they leave and drive home! I have a huge problem with this, but I wouldn't know who to complain to or anything of the sort. Whatever though. I guess this is just a good place to vent it. At least I know most of the people who read this blog have the same morals as me and would deem it equally wrong.
I have a lot of issues with my job, but that one is a major one. There are tons of others though. Everyone treats everyone else like crap, I swear it's like being back in high school, but I'd almost even say it was worse. Everyone is petty here. It makes me feel like I'm 5. and they treat me like it too. That's another frustrating thing about my job. I'm not 2 years old. There is no reason for them to treat me like it. They're always checking up on me and repeating things to me just to make sure I understand them. I'm not stupid. If I was, I don't think they'd have hired me, right?
Ok, so even though I make my job sound horrible, there are the good aspects, lunch... I like some of my co workers, Wendy, Shauna, on a really really really really really good day Shilo, Liz sometimes, Jeff... *shrug* that's pretty much it. Everyone else here pretty much blows chunks. In a massive way.
In other news... I want a baby...
This is what my communications teacher would call a pregnant pause...
No, just kidding. No babies for us, at least not now.
Dave and I are giving our very first "adult talks" in sacarment meeting on Sunday. Which for those of you who aren't LDS, means we actually have to speak longer than 5 minutes. We have like 15 minutes to fill up! And I'm horrid at this type of thing anyway. My most memorable experience speaking in sacrament meeting actually didn't involve too many words at all. I got up looked at all the people and me in my brilliance, said "Wow... there's a lot of people here." and promptly started to cry. I finally muttered a few words and closed my talk and sat down. It was horrid. And I never seem to manage to escape speaking in church. I guess I have something to learn from this. So far, I don't think I've learned much. I mean unless you count how to make people think you're feeling the spirit when really you're so terrified you just want to curl up into a ball and cry for the rest of forever.
There wasn't really a point to this blog post. I guess just to vent out my frustrations and such with work. And then I just started rambling. You were warned properly though, I did name the blog random ramblings.
Out for now-
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
I died... and presented my own eulogy... from Andie's point of view.
What a great honor it is for me to be here tonight as we celebrate the life of Stephanie Lynne Brewer Higham, beloved wife, daughter, sister, and friend.
Stephanie will forever be remembered in my mind with a cheerful smile of her face, a laugh just waiting to bubble out. She had such a great countenance about her, waiting to share it with anyone who needed it.
I met Stephanie in elementary school, when she cleverly pointed out that we were wearing the same overalls, but we didn’t become friends until a few years later.
One of my most cherished memories with Stephanie happened while sleeping over at her house. We had just learned our new favorite card game called “Dummies”, and we played it every chance we got. During the process of this game, we both smacked our foreheads really hard, and instead of letting the pain get to us, we started to laugh. While we were laughing, we both leaned toward the center of the bed we were playing on and managed to put just enough pressure on it to send it to the floor. We were both startled for a moment before erupting in fits of giggles again.
She used her smile and her laughter to help people really often. She once told me it was her goal to smile at people as they passed, so they would at least have one bright spot in their day, no matter how bad the rest of it was. She used to remind everyone of the quote “Never frown, you never know who may be falling in love with your smile.” We passed this advice back and forth countless times when anyone was having a bad day.
Stephanie was very dedicated to her family, friends, and religion. I remember one time, I called her crying while she was in the middle of a date with her now husband, David, and not caring that her date was ruined, she made Dave drive her the thirty miles to my house just so she could sit with me while I cried.
Stephanie wanted to become a sign language interpreter and was working steadily toward that goal from the time she was fifteen years old. She spent numerous hours studying and developing her skills so she could help the deaf community. She signed any time she got a chance, and it used to frustrate me when I didn’t understand what she was saying. Her kindness towards those different from her never ceased to amaze me.
She also wanted to be a mother, but was never given that opportunity in this lifetime. Instead of having her own children, she spent time in her church’s nursery, loving and caring for the children that needed her there. She was quick to love, and slow to let go of those children. There was a very special place for them in her heart.
Stephanie was a woman of many talents. She could always be found singing, singing while she cleaned, singing along with the radio, or just to pass the time. She also was a talented pianist, often pounding out her frustrations or anger through her music. She devoted hours to learning the clarinet and was a very musical person.
Being raised in Kearns definitely had its effect on Stephanie. It kept her involved in her church and community activities. She became very involved in anti-tobacco activist youth groups. She enjoyed spending time educating others about the harmful effects and dangers of using tobacco. She loved spending time with her mentors and peers involved in the Teen Advocates against Tobacco and the Utah Phoenix Alliance throughout junior high and high school.
She graduated high school in June 2007 after being involved in many extracurricular activities including choir, debate, the Academy of Hospitality and Tourism, along with numerous advance placement and concurrent enrollment courses.
She met her husband Dave early in her senior year and knew then that it was meant to be. After getting engaged in May, they were married for time and all eternity in the Salt Lake Temple on October 5, 2007. She loved him with all her heart.
She leaves behind her loving husband, David Michael, parents John David and Susan Darlene, along with siblings Amanda Sue, Matthew David, and Sharen Dee, as well as grandparents, and numerous aunts, uncles and cousins.
Although no longer with us in this world, Stephanie will always live with us in our memories and our hearts. She is watching over all of us and is waiting for the time when we will all be together again.
Stephanie will forever be remembered in my mind with a cheerful smile of her face, a laugh just waiting to bubble out. She had such a great countenance about her, waiting to share it with anyone who needed it.
I met Stephanie in elementary school, when she cleverly pointed out that we were wearing the same overalls, but we didn’t become friends until a few years later.
One of my most cherished memories with Stephanie happened while sleeping over at her house. We had just learned our new favorite card game called “Dummies”, and we played it every chance we got. During the process of this game, we both smacked our foreheads really hard, and instead of letting the pain get to us, we started to laugh. While we were laughing, we both leaned toward the center of the bed we were playing on and managed to put just enough pressure on it to send it to the floor. We were both startled for a moment before erupting in fits of giggles again.
She used her smile and her laughter to help people really often. She once told me it was her goal to smile at people as they passed, so they would at least have one bright spot in their day, no matter how bad the rest of it was. She used to remind everyone of the quote “Never frown, you never know who may be falling in love with your smile.” We passed this advice back and forth countless times when anyone was having a bad day.
Stephanie was very dedicated to her family, friends, and religion. I remember one time, I called her crying while she was in the middle of a date with her now husband, David, and not caring that her date was ruined, she made Dave drive her the thirty miles to my house just so she could sit with me while I cried.
Stephanie wanted to become a sign language interpreter and was working steadily toward that goal from the time she was fifteen years old. She spent numerous hours studying and developing her skills so she could help the deaf community. She signed any time she got a chance, and it used to frustrate me when I didn’t understand what she was saying. Her kindness towards those different from her never ceased to amaze me.
She also wanted to be a mother, but was never given that opportunity in this lifetime. Instead of having her own children, she spent time in her church’s nursery, loving and caring for the children that needed her there. She was quick to love, and slow to let go of those children. There was a very special place for them in her heart.
Stephanie was a woman of many talents. She could always be found singing, singing while she cleaned, singing along with the radio, or just to pass the time. She also was a talented pianist, often pounding out her frustrations or anger through her music. She devoted hours to learning the clarinet and was a very musical person.
Being raised in Kearns definitely had its effect on Stephanie. It kept her involved in her church and community activities. She became very involved in anti-tobacco activist youth groups. She enjoyed spending time educating others about the harmful effects and dangers of using tobacco. She loved spending time with her mentors and peers involved in the Teen Advocates against Tobacco and the Utah Phoenix Alliance throughout junior high and high school.
She graduated high school in June 2007 after being involved in many extracurricular activities including choir, debate, the Academy of Hospitality and Tourism, along with numerous advance placement and concurrent enrollment courses.
She met her husband Dave early in her senior year and knew then that it was meant to be. After getting engaged in May, they were married for time and all eternity in the Salt Lake Temple on October 5, 2007. She loved him with all her heart.
She leaves behind her loving husband, David Michael, parents John David and Susan Darlene, along with siblings Amanda Sue, Matthew David, and Sharen Dee, as well as grandparents, and numerous aunts, uncles and cousins.
Although no longer with us in this world, Stephanie will always live with us in our memories and our hearts. She is watching over all of us and is waiting for the time when we will all be together again.
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