Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Hurray! I'm finally done with all my finals! That rocks. Even though I probably did absolutely horribly at all of them. They're finally all over. I don't even care really about the grades I got. Seriously, don't care. I should, but right now I'm in like a lethargic state. I haven't felt well lately and I just don't give a flying flip. meh... oh well...

It's weird, I thought college would be so much different from high school, but really... it's so much the same it kinda scares me. Maybe I just took easy classes this semester, but nothing has really caused me to stress over grades or really anything. Which is odd, because in high school almost everything stressed me. It's almost like now that I'm in high school I just don't really care anymore. I graduated, that's what life has been about for almost the whole of my life, and now that I'm a college girl, I just don't know.

Onto a completely different subject, It's kinda weird how much things have changed since I got married. People view me as almost a completely different person just because I'm married. Most specifically, we'll call her Nicole. It's different because this person is a person I've trusted implicitly for... Over half of my life. And now that I'm married it's almost like she doesn't trust me at all just because I'm married. She thinks that I'll tell Dave everything she tells me. It's not a good situation. I feel like I've lost a friend, and that there's nothing I can do about it. Life goes on I guess. I'll never forget her, and somewhere, there will always be a part of her in me, we'll just go our separate ways. It just makes me feel somewhat lacking in the friend department. In all actuality, I kind of am, but I've never actually felt like a complete loser because I don't have friends. And I guess I don't really now, I just don't feel as complete... I guess that's the word... as I used to. I feel like there's a part of me missing... I guess because it's been there so long that I don't know what to do without it. That and I lost another really good friend simply because she was upset because I got married. It's kinda upsetting. But Dave's really good about listening to me cry about it and just giving me a shoulder to cry on or someone to vent about Nicole to. He feels really bad about it, but I wouldn't have changed a thing. Maybe it was just time that Nicole and I went our separate ways. I suppose to be honest we've been going in our separate ways ever since she moved, we were just too young and naive to realize it and let it get to us. She's changed a lot, and so have I. Maybe it's better this way. Why do the things in life that are good for us always have to be hard?

Ok... off of that rant....

Dave's still in history finishing his final... I'm on one of the college computers and the keyboard is ridiculously noisy! I feel like everyone should be staring at me just because of the clacking of the keys. It's kind of obnoxious. I'm so used to everything around me being quiet. I like the peacefulness of it all.

And I'm out of things to talk about... I guess I'll just surf the net while I wait for Dave to finish... There's gotta be something good doesn't there?

Maybe if you're lucky I'll post again on Friday during beer thirty...

1 comment:

The Warrior said...

Sometimes so-called "friends" are almost more than they're worth. Other times, they're worth dying for.


P.S. Beer thirty! Love it! :-)