Saturday, March 03, 2012

Day 1 - Things you don't expect about me...

So, day 1 is 10 things about me that people don't really expect.

  1. Some people (most people) probably already know this, but I am one of those people who if you do something that ends up with you being hurt, I am usually laughing. Case in point, when Dave tried to put a marble rolling pin back in a box by simply dropping it in and it fell out the other end and landed on his toe, I was in hysterics, like the not cute laugh where you are sucking in breaths and you sound like a dying horse... Yes. I laugh like that, and I sometimes love it. On the flip side, I hate when people laugh at me when I get hurt.
  2. I am completely and utterly terrified of people I don't know. Whether this is on the phone, by email, text, whatever. I hate talking to them. I have a horrible fear of screwing up in front of said people and what they will think of me for the rest of their lives, even though I know logically most people won't remember me for the next 5 minutes let alone the rest of their lives. I get shaky and sweaty, and I just don't like it. This completely contradicts my career plan as I plan on working in front of people I don't know, doing something it is incredibly easy to screw up at... 
  3. Although most times it is impossible for me to remain angry, if you say something about me or to me that really hurts my feelings, I can hold a grudge. As an example, I was kind of a drama queen in high school, and I frequently would storm to my room for the night, scream at my dad that I hated him, slam my bedroom door then throw myself on my bed and go to sleep. The next morning I would never remember that I had even been angry at my dad in the first place and treated him with all the love and respect he deserves. But someone said something to me 6 months ago about me not sounding good when I sing, and I still hate him a little for it every time I see him...
  4. Even though I don't check to make sure that my blog is completely without grammatical errors and really write pretty informally on here, I am a grammar freak. So much so, that when there are errors in books, it eats at me through the whole book. I would love to be a book editor, except it would mean tons of English in college, which in turn would mean tons of writing, which I actually hate. With a fiery passion. 
  5. I taught my daughter to say "douche bag", completely on accident. Apparently if you say something enough times making fun of someone else, your kids will latch on. This word seriously needs to leave my vocabulary, and Dave's before she says it somewhere else, like church. Also, I should probably stop making fun of other people...
  6.  I secretly love what I deem to be "nerdy" shows, even though I complain every time Dave wants to watch them. Battlestar Galactica, Stargate SG-1, Supernatural... to name a few...
  7. Laundry is the bane of my existence. I would almost, and I stress the word almost, rather walk around naked than do my laundry.
  8. I have watched all three Lord of the Rings movies, and read almost all of all three books, even though I made a promise to myself in high school that I never would, because I didn't want to be just like the "in" crowd.
  9. I am only a University of Utah fan because Dave is, I never cared one way or the other until after Dave and I started dating. Conversely, my dad is only a BYU fan because Dave is a Utah fan, and he thinks that there needs to be some rivalry in the family. He also never really cared until I started dating Dave. 
  10. I love to sing. With like every fiber of my being. I dance around and sing while I clean, and I don't care who can hear it. Dave came home from work the other day and could hear me at the bottom of our stairs (3 flights) through the walls of the condo. All the windows and doors were shut. I sing into basically anything that resembles a microphone, and I love it. However, I usually clam up when people are around, and unless I am truly comfortable around you, I will not sing in the car if you are there. 


Nathan said...

I secretly love what I deem to be "nerdy" shows, even though I complain every time Dave wants to watch them.

Bwahaha!! I'm totally bringing this up the next time I'm over and we feel like watching something nerdy. :)

Lydia said...

Yay! I'm so glad you're joining me.

#2 sounds exactly like me. I never did know that about you. Should I have?

Also, I love Supernatural. Well, I loved the first 3-ish seasons and now I watch just because I care about the characters.

Stephanie said...

Lydia, I don't think most people know that about me. I try VERY very hard to not let it show, and it actually wasn't a problem for me until I was asked to speak in church, when I was about 14, and the bishop neglected to tell me it was his son's mission farewell. The cultural hall was packed, and ever since then I have had this insane fear of people. I hate it because my voice even sounds shaky when I talk.

The Warrior said...

Wow, I had no idea you were blogging again...where have I been?

But someone said something to me 6 months ago about me not sounding good when I sing, and I still hate him a little.