Wednesday, March 10, 2010

15 weeks and change

So, I've officially decided I absolutely need to blog more to document my pregnancy and our lives... so here goes, we'll see how this actually works out.

I am 16 weeks pregnant on Friday, which means approximately 4 months. Only another 4 weeks and I'm half way there! And then we'll get to find out if we're having a Baby Girl Higham, or a Baby Boy Higham. I'm sure you all know what Dave is rooting for... He wants a boy so bad his teeth hurt, but he'd love our little girl just as much... He'd be wrapped around that little girlies finger so quickly it'd make you dizzy!

Pregnancy has been no picnic. I've told quite a few people there's nothing good about it. I'm nauseous a freaking LOT! But, it's getting better. And, I haven't thrown up since I think Friday... So that's like... 4 whole days! My record is 6 since finding out I was pregnant, so cross your fingers for me, ok? Also, on top of the nausea and vomiting, being pregnant has made places I didn't know exist on my body hurt like crazy! For example, did you know you can feel your tailbone? Well I didn't until I could. It hurts. Like crazy. My doctor says it's because my ligaments are loosening so my pelvis moves around. Well, that sucks and it hurts.

But Dave is super sweet through all of it, my crazy hormones that make me cry when I'm watching a hilarious movie, my insane mood swings, waking up bawling in the middle of the night because of insane dreams I'm having... Have I mentioned lately how much I love my husband? I don't think I shout that to the world enough. He seriously is the best, sweetest guy I could ask to be my husband and I am grateful every single day for him. (He even paints my toe nails for me! Who could ask for more???)

We're getting anxious for those 4 weeks to pass though, I'll tell you what. I want to know if I get my girly or my little boy! Dave has already determined that it's a boy, and he always talks to my belly using our boy names. You should see how cute he is! When he kisses me goodbye in the mornings, he kisses my belly too and tells our baby goodbye. That's really sweet gentleman, take that one down in your book of lessons.

Anyway, I'm running out of things for this post, so we'll see how well I do at keeping up on this. We'll try for like, one a week at least... but we'll see. I've never been really great at this blogging thing.

1 comment:

The Warrior said...

BOY BOY BOY! I want a boy, too! This is the first baby that's ever really mattered to me...Spencer wants a boy. :-D Ha....

Sorry it's so rough on you. Hope you feel better. You both are in my prayers; I miss hearing from you.


P.S. If you're interested, feeling less than dead and have a second, read my last post....