Thursday, January 18, 2007


So.. I don't know.

Today was kind of stupid.

My mom woke me up to help her with the stupid camera. She couldn't figure out how to connect it to the computer so she could get the pictures off of it. So by the time I was done helping her i just came back in my room and got ready for school then sat on my chair and slept.

So then I was running late for school. Or so I thought. But when I pulled into the parking lot there were like no cars. Seriously for Hunter, it was odd. Because there are always cars in the parking lot at Hunter. So I was confused. It was like 7:28 when I parked so I was rushing to get in to class but surprise for me when I walked in the commons was still super busy. Well I decided I would just go to my class room but it was locked. So I walked back to the commons and found someone in my first. She said it was mass change day and that class didn't start until 8:30. Which irritated me. So I started calling my friends that go to Hunter and finding out where they were and eventually found them so we got to talk for a while before class started. Which was good. We haven't had the chance to sit down and actually talk for a long time. I'm glad that we got the chance to today. Although, it did sort of suck that I had been in a rush for nothing.

Then we went to seminary and I finally drew a picture I've been promising someone to draw for them. It sucks royally. But it's done. And I sort of like the one of the cow! Yup yup! A Cow! And a penguin! That's the extent of my drawing abilities.

Then came the academy classes. Which was alright except I forgot an assignment at home and of course, today being the last day of the classes, I couldn't do anything about it so I drooped back into my grumpy no fun mood. Good thing Amy was there. Especially today. I am so grateful to have a friend like her. She knows when to stop questioning and when to leave things alone. I love her to pieces!

Then we had to go down to the career center and talk about our trip to San Fransisco and Amy and I decided we were going to do the job shadow day. Which was super fun last year! And we talked about room assignments for our senior trip and Amy and I are definately rooming together. Which is good. I'm super excited for that.

And another plus, I've finally decided who I'm asking to Sweethearts! Woot! And how I'm going to ask them. It's going to be awesome. I'm excited for it.

Anyway, so after school I had to go take a math test. But on the way I was stopped in the hall by "baby Tyler" who was telling me that Sydney was having a major issue and needed me. Which was odd because normally I'm not at that school on B-Days. So I walk into the debate room and find Sydney having a panic attack on the floor. It was scary. I've never seen her freaking out so much. Which is odd because we've been friends since 3rd grade at Mill Hollow. Hah. Great times.

So anyway back to this math test. I was super stressed about it all day because I haven't done any of the assignments from this chapter. But, it was all multiple choice and I didn't do too poorly on it. In fact, I got the 2nd highest score in the class. Which rocks. Because it brought my grade up from a C+ to a B+. Which was good. Especially for this term.

So after my test I went back to the debate room to check on Sydney and she was doing much better but I decided not to leave just to stay and have fun with Tyler and Angel and Sydney. So I stole Sydney's ipod and sang a bunch of my favorite songs and blocked out everything. It was good. And, seeing Sydney do Tyler's hair in pigtails was a once in a lifetime experience I'm glad I didn't miss out on. And then I came home. And it's been good.

Anyway, Nathan said something in one of his posts about posting a memory once a week. So I decided I'm going to start that today.

And my memory of the week comes from 3rd grade. The summer after it actually While we were at Mill Hollow. Sydney and I were hiking down this trail and there was a HUGE rock in the middle of the path. So I moved to get out of the way and Sydney just kept walking so I was like "Sydney! Watch out! There's a rock!" and she said "What?" and I said "Watch out! There's a rock!" and She again didn't hear me and said what and was now looking at me so I said "watch." and she smacked face first into the ground. Which wasn't funny at the time but is now absolutely hilarious to me. So after she got up and we made sure she was okay we were laughing about it and I was making fun of her and karma came back to bite me in the butt and I fell down the side of the mountain.

Moral of the story: If you want to warn your friends about a rock and they trip over it anyway, don't laugh at them. You might just fall down a mountain.

I love that story though...


Nathan said...

Mill Hollow was the best place ever! I think we all have rock stories of some form or another. ;-) Haha, I love it.

Stephanie said...

yeah. that's like. the most amazing mill hollow story ever. for me anyway. (Cuz it's the only one I remember! hah!) Oh.. and killing ants with bug spray. that was pretty exhillerating.. being 9 and all. yeah. I loved it.

The Warrior said...

Ooh, is Sydney all right? What happened?

Stephanie said...

lol yeah! Sydney's fine! She just fell down and bumped her head. I fell down the whole mountain and scratched up my belly. But that happened a long time ago.

The Warrior said...

No, I mean her panic attack?

Stephanie said...

oh... I don't know... I'm worried about her. =\

The Warrior said...

Yeah...that makes me worried, too. Give me an update when you can please, okay?

Stephanie said...

done. updated in the e-mail I sent you yesterday I think