Friday, May 18, 2007

Wow... It's been a long day. And a couple hours?

So I still haven't gone to sleep. And I'm pretty sure I don't intend on it. Because then there will be no way for me to wake up in time for school. Bleh. Isn't that the greatest? Only guess what? I actually don't even feel that tired. I'll most likely sleep through health and English and Math though... so I guess it all works out.

So I guess now it would be yesterday, I went to school and I had to sign my story in sign language. It was alright I guess. It was supposed to be 10 minutes long but I was short like 15 seconds so my grade will most likely be docked but I pretty much don't care. It's a vast improvement from what it was at before which was like 4 and a half minutes. I obviously did some major improving there on my story. 10 minutes if pretty long when you have to record yourself signing something.

Then in seminary we watched a movie that had the seminary council for next year being pranked with mentos in diet coke. It was absolutely hilarious. It rocked.

Then for lunch I went to KFC and I got a yummy potato bowl thingy only there was a hair in it so I threw it away and didn't finish it. Totally ruined it for me. And I so didn't have time to go back or I would have.

Test in smith's class. Then nothing.

And just a movie in Crowther's class.

It's so nice that we're close to the end of the year. That means I'm almost done with everything! Hooray.

After school I had to work so I went to work from 4 to 7:30 ish and that was alright. I feel kinda bad cuz I was supposed to work until 10 but I wanted to go to a class thingy at the institute with Dave so they let me leave early and Jess had asked for a ride home and because I left early I couldn't. So I feel kinda bad that I couldn't give her a ride. But. It was for a good cause.

The class was nice I guess. I got to catch up with a girl who went to my junior high. She's changed a lot since I knew her. It's kinda cool to see how she's gone from what she was to so much better than that. It's exciting to see how much potential she actually had and that she was actually strong enough to do it. Pretty much amazing. Yep yep.

And then I did homework at Dave's house. Oh let me tell you how fun that was. Actually it really wasn't that bad. We just did the vocabulary part of it so I'll be able to pass the test in English.. today I guess.

Then I got to come home and finish my children's story book for Hamlet. Which I finished like an hour ago. Huzzah!

And I got to dig through all my old pictures and find how doofish I looked and such. Oh it was great. I love how dorky I was when I was a child. Wait.. What am I saying?! I'm still dorky. It's great. I love it.

And then I took a really oober hot shower. Which was amazing. Hooray for hot showers.

I guess I'm just in a really upbeat and cheerful mood. I'm excited for the day and for the weekend and for graduation on Saturday!

And for peach cobbler! MMMM! I'm making peach cobbler for our barbeque on Saturday. mmmmmm. I can't wait for it. I love peach cobbler.

And I think that I want to make breakfast for my wonderful boyfriend and take it to him before he has to work. But I don't want to wake him up. Doesn't that sound fun though? Making breakfast and taking it to someone you love? I thought so!

I think I'll call him in a few minutes and see if he wants waffles! I heart waffles some days. Waffles and orange juice. And maybe some fruit. Oh yeah. That sounds good.

Have a fantabulous day! Cuz I already am!

The world is a beautiful place, The sun in shining somewhere I'm sure, and we are very very blessed.



Courtney said...

you are hilarious, steph. ;) and oh so cute. sounds like you're lovin' life right now. that's the only way to live! ;) call me, babe.

Nathan said...

Yeah, you're livin' good. 8-)

And I'm SO excited for school to get out, too! :-D Life just rocks, doesn't it?

The Warrior said...

Yes, we are blessed indeed. Blessed with everything...the people we know and love, the friends...the list goes on and on.

Blessed we are indeed.