Friday, May 02, 2008

Happy Hour

Well... technically it would be happy half hour.. right?

I think it's kinda funny the way things play out sometimes... How sometimes you think things are one way, and then all of a sudden they change.

Today my "Nicole" texted me. She said she hoped my day went well and told me she was sorry for being such a horrible friend lately. Which of course sparked off a comment from me about how she wasn't horrible, that we were just going in our separate ways. It actually ended up pretty good. I guess the great thing about good friends is that no matter how different you get or how far apart you grow, eventually, you always come back together and realize what brought you together in the first place. And then that makes you realize that no matter what you'll always have that person in your life, for the times when you really need them, and the times you don't. It's amazing how things are put into perspective sometimes.
