Friday, May 09, 2008

It's Party Time...

Seriously though, today for me it is! Dave and I are gonig on yet another date! Whoo hoo! I'm seriously excited for this one.

Here's the plan for the night. First, Dave's going to pick me up at 5:00, and then we're headed over to meet Megan and Chad at IHOP! After dinner, Dave and I have to split for a class orientation that we have tonight, but then we're meeting back up to go Thunder Bowling! Whoo hoo! And after that we might stop and see a movie, but I'm not really positive about that one.

I'm really excited! We haven't seen Megan and Chad since Palm Sunday, so it's been quite a while. And I really love going on dates with them. They're a fun couple to be around and Meg and I have been friends since third grade. Seriously, what better than a night out on the town with the man I love, and some of my best friends? I honestly can't think of a better way to spend my night tonight.

Just today I started noticing a difference on my outlook of work, and how it's changed how I feel while I'm at work. I've decided that perspective changes as you change, and that the difference in things a lot of times is who you are. Lately I've been trying to keep a positive outlook toward all aspects of my life, including my job. Which is why I didn't start out with my usual rant about beer thirty on fridays. I still disagree with it -I think beer is a vile drink. Not only does it smell absolutely disgusting, but I'd never want to lose control of my mind and body the way you do when you're drunk- but I'm ok with it. It's their decision to go out and drink beer. Just like it's mine to stay in and not have a beer.

I've been trying to get the work room cleaned up and kept that way, and I am finally finished with the east side of the room. Next week I'll work on the west side, but until then, I'm satisfied with the product of my hard work. I've got the east side cleaned up and labeled, and part of the west side done if I want to be truthful. It's exciting.

I also recently had my employee review. And surprisingly, my employer rated me higher than I did! And she gave me a raise and talked about how she's glad I'm with the company. Nothing like that to boost morale.

Not to mention, they got rid of the one person I couldn't stand at work. My work environment is getting better and I guess so is my attitude.

My house is for sale. I want it SO badly! But right now, I've resigned myself to the fact that I'll probably never get it. By the time our lease in the apartment is up, this house I want will probably be snatched up off the market. Maybe not though, and then we'll be able to afford it and get it. Someday... I hope. I actually think our next step will be a town home, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

That's all I can think of for now, so I guess you'll hear from me next week.


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