Friday, May 23, 2008

Locks of Love

My little sister's class in school has been doing sort of a cancer awareness month. The whole sixth grade went on a 30 mile bike ride for the cure this week. They got sponsers and sent out letters to businesses asking for donations and such. I'm amazed at them. They're such freaking awesome little kiddos.

So anyway, they finished their ride yesterday. And then at school they decided that they were going to let the little girly's cut their hair if they wanted to donate it to locks of love.

My little sister and I had previously discussed donating our hair together, but there couldn't have been a better opportunity. We were initially going to wait for our hair to grow out a little longer, but ended up just doing it last night as I wouldn't be able to make it to school with her today to get mine done at the same time.

So last night, we toted ourselved to Great Clips and got our hair cut. Ten inches didn't seem like it would be a lot to me. But oh my heck! My hair is fantastically short! Almost shorter than I've ever had it... but not quite. It's a tad bit longer than that.

I think it's kinda cute. Kinda a short little bob... Dave hates it. He doesn't like short hair. He did admit that it looks good on me though. Besides, it'll grow back in like a month or two. Not to quite the same length, but long enough he'll live with it and like it.

In other news, I'm really starting to get a kick out of nursery.

Look how adorable these kids are!

They were thankful for their eyes. Super cute huh?

They're fabulous.

Also, I love our new neighbors! We took them cookies. They brought us back brownies. We're going to make them surprise prize cupcakes! It's going to be SO much fun. They're really nice and I love them!

Anyway, there's like ten minutes left of work. And seriously... It's me and the big bosses here. My boss left about 15 minutes ago with a keg of beer in her hands... Insert huge eye roll here...


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