Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 13 - Productive Days

I am thankful that I am able to have productive days because I am able to stay home. Today I feel like I accomplished a LOT! And I love those kinds of days. The days where everything falls into place. I love that Dave is able to provide for our family with me just being able to stay home.

Today (as of 9:30 PM) I
  • Made dinner (Cream Cheese Chicken that actually turned out this time! And it was ready when Dave got home from work!!)
  • Cleaned the Kitchen, all except for mopping the floor INCLUDING doing ALL the dishes - even dinner dishes have been loaded into the dishwasher!
  • Cleaned and vacuumed the living room
  • Watered my plant
  • Vacuumed the hall
  • Cleaned up Savannah's room
  • Finished a chapter in my Management class
  • Made it to my mom's to have Savannah fitted into her Christmas dress and my scout shirt sleeves measured so she can shorten them.
  • Got a dog! (Hercules, and he is CUTE!)
All in all, I feel pretty good about it. And I'll probably finish up a few more things before I head to bed tonight. Hooray!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You need t add a couple things. For instance Texted Bri. Text Bri. Texted Bri. Won a contest. Texted Bri Sent Bri a picture. I think you get it. lol