Saturday, November 19, 2011

Day 18 - Games

I am thankful for games today. I'm thankful that my husband is willing to watch Savannah occasionally so that I can get away and just hang with the girls.

Tonight I was able to go play bunco with my mom and a group of her friends and some other people that I don't really know. It was nice to just be able to have that time out, even though we got MAJORLY lost and we were super late. It actually was quite fun to get lost even!

We were following directions that this app (Waze) for Katie's iPhone gave us, and we ended up on the wrong side of town, so then we tried to use just the maps feature on my mom's iPhone to get there and that got us lost too, so then we finally called someone for directions and we ended up back on the highway. Then we got off the highway and we called for directions again and the person whose house we were going to didn't even know how to tell us to get to her house! So, after multiple trials and errors, we finally made it! And we were only about a half an hour late. The good news is that getting home was much less of an ordeal. It was nice to have that time to chat with Katie and my mom though. We really did have a great time all of us together.

And now I am thankful to be home with my husband, who has been amazing today. He seriously has been ON TOP of the laundry! I appreciate that when I'm not home he is willing to help out with the housework. I love him more each and every day! It's like this piece I have hanging on the wall in my bedroom, "I love you more today than yesterday, and but only half as much as tomorrow". Here's to me and you, babe! I love you and I am loving spending my eternity with you!

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