Friday, November 18, 2011

Day 17 - SNOW

I am so thankful for snow today. I seriously love it when there is a fresh coat of snow on the ground and it is all white and perfect. So I'm thankful that it is snowing right now so that I can see that fresh blanket of snow on the ground.

Today has been HECTIC! It started at 8:00 ish when I had to leave to take Savannah to the sitter so I could go to the testing center and take 3 (that's right, THREE!) exams there. I had an accounting exam, an economics exam, and a placement exam for math. I'm pleased with my scores on all of them. Then I had to come home and write a 5 page paper from Mexico's point of view on the restrictions of tuna trade in the United States. It was SO dry and boring, but I am finally finished! Now I just have one more exam for the day and then I am DONE! And I can just relax next week because the only thing I need to do next week is a couple discussions in my economics class and work on a group project. It will make it very nice to not have any stress next week during the holidays.

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