Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Day 13 - Major Happenings

Prompt for day 13 - What are the 10 most significant events in your life?

  1. Getting married to Dave
  2. Getting pregnant with and subsequently having Savannah
  3. I'm only counting this as one, though technically it could be two, but both of my miscarriages are pretty significant to me. 
  4. Getting baptized
  5. Going through the temple for the first time
  6. Buying our condo
  7. Choosing to go to the Academy of Hospitality and Tourism at Taylorsville, which is where I ultimately met Dave. (The first time I met him in person was in the parking lot during lunch. I was eating McDonald's...)
  8. Obtaining an Associate's Degree, then pursuing a Bachelor's degree, then deciding to actually just go back for another Associate's Degree...
  9. Being born
  10. Getting my driver's license.

Also, on a totally unrelated note, but especially important to me right now, I made Orange Chicken tonight, and in my opinion, it is just as good as Panda Express.


The Warrior said...

Good list!

Unknown said...

I need that recipe! Please!