Thursday, March 22, 2012

Day 21 - These are a few of my favorite things...

Prompt for day 21 - 20 of your favorite things

  1. Dr. Pepper
  2. Double dates with best friends
  3. Single dates with the hubster
  4. Spring weather
  5. My kindle
  6. Colors, specifically pink, green and purple
  7. Bubble baths
  8. Crafting with friends (not alone)
  9. Books
  10. Good Deals 
  11. Laundry detergent that smells fabulous
  12. Having a house to live in
  13. Cheetos with Cream Cheese
  14. Late night trips to Smith's with my gnomies that end up with cupcakes
  15. Cupcakes in general
  16. Swing sets
  17. Heartburn medicine 
  18. Scentsy
  19. Ticket to Ride - pretty much a fabulous game
  20. A clean house (which with a 19 month old does not happen often. She is a weapon of MASS destruction.)
I left people out on purpose, just like Lydia did. 


The Warrior said...

Hey! Weapon of mass destruction? You stole my phrase!!

Screaming Grasshopper said...

BUT... if you were to number your favorite people... I would be... #?

Stephanie said...

Definitely top 10!